Epilogue - Doctor Smiley

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"Doctor Smiley."

If someone told Y/n that she would grow close to and learn to grow fond of another serial killer that lived in a cabin somewhere in the woods, she would've told them that they were out of their mind. Yet, that's exactly what happened. Surprisingly enough, she had grown closer to him faster than most of the other killers. Even the ones she had known before Doctor Smiley.

Maybe it was because he had taken care of Levi or didn't show any ill will towards her from the very beginning (except the first time they met). Either way, Y/n was sure she could trust him...at least to the extent of keeping her safe for an extended period of time.

There was a pleasant hum in the air, one that came from Slenderman and echoed in her mind. Then, the hand that held her own felt like it was slipping away. Her hand dropped from the air and to her side where a cold shiver ran up her spine.

Y/n opened her eyes immediately. The smell of clean air and rain filled her senses as she almost stumbled back from the sight.

In front of her, was a black frame of a cabin. Scorched and blackened, but mostly gone in its entirety. The front of the cabin was most of the remaining structure, the door broken inwards and left in two pieces on the grass in front of her. Y/n stepped forward, carefully observing the area with a perceptive gaze.

Her shoes crunched against the broken glass from the shattered window near the door as she entered through the empty frame. The right side of the building was caved inwards, blocking the way forward, but to the far left the wall had burnt to a crisp, so she could make her way around the debris without hindrance. The two couches had been ruined, wooden beams lying across it as the material had been scorched and melted against the furniture.

The hall was a noticeable part of the building, but it was also just as destroyed as the right side of the wall behind her. There remained little framework of the doors on each side and the roof of the building was completely gone. She peeked her head through the room on the right, cringing at the sour smell that hit her nose when she peered inside. The ground was melted, and items and metal furniture were destroyed beyond fixing. Y/n didn't want to know what had gotten caught up in this part of the fire.

The h/c-haired female continued down the hall until she made it to the room at the very end. The door was closed, blackened. There was wood peeling off the frame of the door and Y/n stretched her hand out to the handle, grabbing it and twisting slowly.

There was a bit of resistance on the other side, so she had to push forward a little bit. A fallen, wooden beam hit the floor on the other side, the noise echoing throughout the forest for whatever was out there to hear.

The sight before her caused a sharp pain to stab right into her heart. The room, no, there were no walls to call this a room anymore. The opening that this door led to was the worst of it all. What remained of the bed in the center of the room was just a frame, outlined in dark soot. Whatever was kept in this room had been used as fuel for the fire and was now beyond repair.

Y/n could only wonder how this fire started in the first place. She remembered very clearly that whoever was controlling Sasha had been the perpetrator, but Y/n wondered about the truth beyond that statement. How had it gotten worse to the point Levi was trapped inside? And where had Doctor Smiley been?

Y/n shook her head, turning on her heel so her back faced the door. She didn't wish to relive the past. All she had to do was forget this place, forget what happened here.


Her head began to pound as tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she forced them back with a glare to the ground as she walked quickly down the hall. The charred wood underneath her feet creaked and groaned as she stepped around the sore dips and scorched wood, stepping around the slanted piece of large wood that made up the majority of the ceiling and back to the door.

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