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Looking back through it all, there may be some unanswered questions you may have. Maybe it's from the first book, or maybe it's here in the second, but I'm going to try my best and go back through most of the chapters that I think needed an explanation on a certain scene or character(and add a bit of cut information or things I decided not to add). If a question of yours wasn't answered, please ask in the comments. I may or may not have an answer. Also, before I get any questions about any language being wrong, my main language is English. I use Google Translate or just random snippets of what I know for other languages that appear in the books.


One Killer Maze


Chapter 3: The Kiss. If this wasn't clear, this was Masky posing as a contestant climbing the rock wall. Killers are not allowed to mingle with the contestants, so if Masky was caught, there would be heavy repercussions for his actions. The security guard that came over was looking for him because they knew he got out. Masky, seeing this, used Y/n as a use for his escape since, well, confronting PDA is kinda awkward if you aren't participating in it. The guard or the employee at the rock wall had any relevance to the story. Also, BEN specifically says (and I shall say here) he does not peep at Y/n while she changes.

Chapter 5: The Intruder. Okay, I knew this one was gonna be hard to explain through the story, so I really didn't explain it at all. This girl was posing as Y/n on the app in the first book in order to tarnish her image. She was told to do this by S/n so Y/n had a lower chance of winning (at this time, everyone thought they were going to be keeping their memories). S/n was given a key by BEN that could open most of the doors in the facility, so S/n gave this key to her friend and told her to go and look in someone's phone. She didn't tell her friend that it was Y/n's room, that's why this girl said that she was Y/n when, in fact, she was not.

Chapter 10: The Betrayal. To put it simply, I did not plan for Sasha to be such a well-liked character until the very end(even though he broke many, many hearts). To many, he seemed to have a strong relationship with Y/n from the get-go...but this was proven wrong by his betrayal. Why? Well, he had made a better connection with Brian (not Hoodie) out of the maze before Y/n, this is why he was more susceptible to following his orders rather than trusting Y/n.

Chapter 11: Toby calling Y/n Lyra. I didn't think that this would raise many questions, but it did, so I'll explain it. Y/n's face was messed up. She had mud and blood smeared across her face and she just didn't look good at all. This reminded Toby of Lyra when she died, so that's all he could say and think at that moment.

Chapter 11: The Factions. There was nothing really of note to mention about the factions and I couldn't bring it up so abruptly, so I tried to make it known by how separated every place was and Eyeless Jack's conversation with Slenderman at the end of Chapter 11. Each killer either has someone they report to or are off on their own. Eyeless Jack, Kagekao, Bloody Painter, and Candy Pop are in Offenderman's faction while Jeff the Killer, Masky, Hoodie, Jane the Killer, Sally, Ticci Toby, and Clockwork are in Slenderman's faction. Seedeater, Puppeteer, BEN Drowned, Jason the Toymaker, Homicidal Liu, and the Rake are all a part of their own faction. These factions don't have separate territories, it's more or less related to their allegiances (if I missed someone, just point them out and I'll reply).

Chapter 12: Packages. I hated this entire chapter (well, not all of it...but...). I owned a Discord server at the time of writing the first book and allowed people from that server to send Y/n packages of things that they could gather or buy nearby at their house or a store... I wanted the reader to be uncomfortable, but I didn't realize how out-of-touch the story would become when allowing packages from readers to be sent like this. If I could change something, I would have limited the possibilities of what they could send.

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