Chapter 14

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There was no telling how long Y/n had slept, but she was glad to have a friend to wake her up when Ann was growing tired. They switched positions, Ann taking her place while Y/n found a good position to keep watch. Before Ann had taken her rest, she had told Y/n that there was no sign of anyone in the area and that the door they had found had not been opened since the time they had found it.

That was good, at least, she thought it was.

Time had surely passed as she watched the door closely, moving her head to look in the direction of any noise that would sound off nearby, though, what shocked her the most was the moment the whole area around her had begun to dim into a fainter light. Y/n saw that the usually blue sky through the gaps of the leaves had slowly begun to disappear, shaping it out to be a fake night. Her eyes narrowed, they were taking this whole thing too far...too similar to the last killing show.

Just as Y/n was beginning to relax again, she heard a click. Her head whipped in the direction it came from and spotted the door opening. She ducked lower to the ground as a group of people, three, stepped out without a sense of caution. Light flooded outward from the room, shining the darker forest with bright light. Quickly, Y/n began to assess what she'd perceived as an enemy had on hand.

The one who stepped out first held a metal bat in his right hand, this man was taller than the two behind him and obviously more muscled. His head was shaven over and he carried himself well. There was a woman on the older side behind him holding a white, metal box in front of her, both hands clasped around the loop at the top. She didn't seem much of a fighter. The last who trailed along was another man, he was less muscular and held a knife in one hand, smaller than the one they had but still a pretty big one.

The trio had stopped the moment they exited and surveyed the area slowly. Y/n slunk lower to the ground, relaxing as she hid away from their sight. She could hear the first man talking, but his words were distant even with how hard she tried to listen for them. Once she made sure that the group wasn't paying attention, she slowly crawled on her stomach over to where Ann was resting while ignoring the pain coming from her wounds. Y/n pulled her legs up against her chest so they weren't sticking out from behind the tree.

Y/n stayed still for a moment longer, trying to listen for any sound of the group. When she heard nothing, Y/n reached over and began shaking Ann gently from her sleep. It didn't take much trying to do so, only one or two shakes and she began to waver into consciousness. Before Ann could say anything, Y/n placed the palm of her hand over the other's mouth, using her other to put a finger to her own lips. She only removed her hand when Ann's eyes flickered with acknowledgment. Ann unfurled her legs from her position and shifted herself into a stealthy crouch.

Ann crept around Y/n and to the side of the tree, taking a small peek for herself. It took a moment, so Y/n could only assume that the group of three was still there, then Ann moved back and looked at Y/n.

She pointed at them, then dragged her thumb along the middle of her throat.

Quickly Y/n shook her head, strongly against the idea of trying to murder the three at the doorway. They didn't know the two of them were here or even existed, she wanted to keep it that way. Ann only gave a look of blank disappointment and shrugged, nodding along with Y/n's decision.

"Come on," the masculine voice breaking the tense silence made Y/n jolt in surprise. Her heart beat loudly in her ears as the sounds of footsteps loudly began trekking through the woods, fortunately away from the two hidden girls. Ann glanced over at Y/n and motioned her forward.

The two of them kept low to the ground and thankfully the area around them had grown dim, so it was a plus to their stealth. They kept to the side of the trees, watching for any signs of movement within the forest or beside them just in case the trio had noticed Y/n beforehand and made plans to circle around. But, without fail, they made it closer to the door.

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