Epilogue - Liu/Sully

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Y/n didn't know whether or not to add Sully to the list as Sully was technically not his own being at the moment but an entity(?) inside of Liu. And, besides, she trusted Liu with her life more than Sully and trusted Liu even more with his control over him.

She heard a hum of acknowledgment come from Slenderman in front of her. The hand that held her own shifted, the entity's palm sliding up her arm until its thumb and pointer finger pinched the area around her elbow, then grasped it, tugging sharply.

"Brace yourself," was the only warning she received.

Just as Y/n steeled herself, she felt everything around her change. Like she was suddenly walking through a layer of thick mud, or being tossed around by harsh winds. It was only until the world steadied around her, that she finally fell forward. She had done as Slenderman had said and braced herself, but nothing could've warned her of the feeling of cold nipping at her skin.

Actually, now that she slowly came to her senses, she began to shiver. Her eyes shot open at the feeling of wetness and chills running up and down her skin, sending the small hairs on her body on end. A good majority of the place around her was scattered in white snow, but some patches of the earth were still uncovered with faint, green grass, the rest old and freezing over.

Y/n could feel the coldness of the wind and snow on her clothes slowly beginning to sink further into the cloth. She sat up, supporting herself with her hands. Her fingers became numb from the cold slush under her palms and the bandages covering her left hand sagged a bit. The snow where she had pressed down left a faint, pink mark due to the blood smearing across her hands and becoming gross again from the wetness of the snow.

Unfortunately, the bandages around her left hand were beginning to unravel, so she peeled the old bandages away and dropped the material to the ground. The area where the bandages were left a somewhat clean mark, but blood had found a way to seep through and onto the skin underneath the item anyways.

It was hard to concentrate with the cold and the numbness in her fingers, but Y/n noticed that there was a small shack not too far away. It was some sort of cabin, at least, a very small one. Yet, even though it was small, she noticed that what it lacked in size, made up in height as it was noticeably a two-story cabin. With no other choice, Y/n began her approach.

Her shoes did little to keep the cold out, the fabric around it gathering bits of the snow with each step, the snow melting into the fabric and freezing her toes. Even though this was only light snow and the snow didn't cover the entirety of the ground, it still felt like she was up in the mountains.

Wait...now that I think about it... Y/n furrowed her brows as she walked, hugging herself and tucking her exposed fingers underneath the fabric of her arms, where am I?

She could actually be in the mountains and not even realize it.

Approaching the tall cabin, Y/n's eyes traveled up and down the walls, checking for any sign of life or movement from the windows she could see through. The windows were mostly fogged or tinted a frozen white from the in and outside, so she couldn't gather much...but one window looked familiar. It was jutted out more than the others, indented from the inside.

The sound of her shoes crunching the snow beneath her came to a slow as she traveled around the house and to the front. She had made sure that there weren't any surprises around the corner beforehand, and even if she didn't, Y/n was sure that the noise from her walking over would've made it obvious she was there.

Y/n sucked in a cold breath, kind of regretting such a decision due to the sharp feel of the cold air in her throat, and knocked softly against the door to the cabin. She waited, looking towards the window that was to the left of the door, but the window was fogged up and covered by faded blinds from the inside.

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