
39 4 2

March 30th, 2020





The last few days for Vanessa have been spent cleaning and organizing her apartment with Anna and Ben and having lots of sex with Ben. Sex with Ben was very different than sex with Josh. Ben was a little more vocal, which she loved. He was very considerate and Josh was too but Ben likes to praise Vanessa. Josh wasn't very vocal at all, he would barely talk most of the time. Vanessa liked and got off with both guys but right now, she preferred Ben, of course.

Now, Ben and Vanessa just finished doing the deed and now, they were cuddling naked in her bed.

Ben- How did you and Josh meet?

Vanessa- Through my brother and I was friends with his sister first. Why, what's up?

Ben- I was just wondering.

I adjust my head that was resting on his chest. I didn't know why he wanted to know about Josh, but I didn't mind answering questions.

Ben- It's just that Anna talks so much shit about him but when you talk about your relationship with him, it doesn't seem like he was that shitty to you.

Vanessa- He was good to me until the end. You're so good to me, you know that?

I say, looking up at him.

Ben- I try to be. You deserve the best, V. Seriously.

I smile, leaning up to kiss him.

Vanessa- I love you. You don't have to say it back but I-

Ben- I love you too.

I smile, kissing him again.

Vanessa- Really? Why didn't you say anything?

Ben- I was scared you wouldn't feel the same, I guess. I felt pressure to say it first but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.

I smile.

Vanessa- Of course I feel the same. I never thought I'd feel anything for anyone after him but with you, I know I can love again.

Ben smiles and leans down to kiss me. The kiss turns into a make out that was interrupted by my phone ringing. I groan and I roll on my side to pick up my phone.

Vanessa- Sorry it's Cooper.

I say as I answer the phone.

Vanessa- What's up, Coop?

Cooper- Gia is in labor. We'll come back to sway when the baby is born, so you can stay there if you want. I already asked Bryce.

I sit up when I heard "Gias in labor" and I was fully dressed by the end of his three sentences. Ben starts getting dressed too.

Vanessa- Okay, yeah. Good luck, Coop.

Cooper- Thank you, V. It's exciting. Tell Anna.

I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was excited.

Vanessa- I will. See you in a bit.

I end the call with Cooper before setting my phone on my nightstand and hurrying to the bathroom to freshen up.

Ben- Where are we going?

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