
63 3 0

September 6th, 2019





Basically continued from last chapter except now they're just getting to the party.

Vanessa- Cooper!

I immediately located Cooper in the crowd before me. I hadn't seen him in what felt like forever so I was very excited to see him. Cooper immediately looked my way and when he saw me, he came running over with Ness. Once he reached me, he hugged me. After a little bit, he lets go.

Cooper- I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

Vanessa- I know, I missed you.

Cooper smiles.

Cooper- I missed you so much more.

Cooper glances up at Josh who was talking to Bryce. Then, he looks back at me.

Cooper- He must be... nervous.

I roll my eyes.

Vanessa- That's an understatement. He didn't want me to come at all. He wanted to stay at the hotel and you know, do things but I'm not letting Chase control my life and what I do.

Cooper- Yeah I get that.

Josh turns his attention from Bryce to the three of us. He smiles when he sees Coop.

Josh- Hey Coop.

Josh says, dabbing him up.

Cooper- Hey Josh. How's Canada?

Josh- Good, good but uh it's hard being away from V.

I look up at Josh and smile.

Cooper- Is it really hard?

Cooper says, ruining the moment. I blush a little and Josh rolls his eyes.

Josh- Was that necessary?

Cooper- Very. I see you giving her the sex eyes.

I look over at Nessa and she looked very uncomfortable. I mean, who wouldn't be? She's listening to her best friend talk about her ex having sex with another girl.

Vanessa- Okay well enough of that conversation. Ness, let's go get drinks.

Nessa smiles and nods. As we walked away, I turned to face Josh and mouthed, Don't be an asshole or no pussy for you.

He rolls his eyes, smiling as he finishes his conversation with Cooper.

Vanessa- Sorry Ness. I didn't know they were going to-

Nessa- It's okay V. I told you, I'm-I'm over him. He's with you now.

Vanessa- I know but it's still awkward.

Nessa shrugs.

Nessa- I guess.

We walk up to where they were serving drinks and Nessa orders some alcoholic drink.

Nessa- Do you want one?

She asks.

Vanessa- No I'm not drinking tonight. Chase. Josh is already nervous and I don't wanna make him more nervous by drinking.

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