
167 4 0

June 17th, 2019


The Hall residence



Josh and Vanessa had gone on 5 more dates after the first, one to a concert, one in her basement just watching a movie, one to the zoo and then dinner, one indoor ice skating, and camping which was probably Vanessa's least favorite date. Still, Josh was being really sweet. Josh had still not asked Vanessa to officially be his girlfriend which kinda upset her and made her worry, especially since Josh was going on tour in 2 days. He had to leave for AZ in the morning on the 19th. He'd be gone before Vanessa even woke up. Josh had still been sleeping in Vanessa's room but all they've done is made out and a little touching, no sex yet.

Josh- Hey beautiful.

Josh says, waking me up. I open my eyes to see him laying next to me. I smile, blinking slowly.

Vanessa- Hi.

Josh tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear and creases my cheek with his thumb.

Josh- I have something to ask you. Well, 2 things. One I probably should've asked a while ago but I'm asking now. So, Vanessa Hall, will you be my girlfriend?

I smile, intertwining our fingers.

Vanessa- Yes. I thought you'd never ask.

Josh chuckles.

Josh- So the second thing, it's a pretty big ask but I was wondering if you wanted to come on tour with me? I know I should've asked you days ago but I was nervous and I don't know. I'm just going to miss you a lot and I want you there with me.

I smile again.

Vanessa- I'd love to go on tour with you Josh. I would've missed you too. Do you think Coopers going to ask Gia?

Josh shrugs.

Josh- He might. If you thought I took long to ask you to be my girlfriend, Cooper will take at least twice as long.

Vanessa- Well if he waits as long as you to have sex with a girl Gia's probably dying.

I smile as Josh looks fake offended.

Josh- Seriously we're playing that game?

Josh gets on top of me, pinning my hands above my head. I was laughing the whole time.

Josh- Careful what you wish for V.

Josh whispers in my ear. We were both silent for a second before bursting into laughter.

Josh- In all seriousness, I want our first time to be memorable. And preferably not while your mom and brother are in the house.

I laugh.

Vanessa- I swear my mom likes you more than I do. Do you see the way she looks at you?

Josh laughs.

Josh- Please she's a taken woman. And now, so are you.

I smile as Josh kisses me. As we made out, I heard voices downstairs.

Vanessa- Wait J do you hear that?

Josh looks at my door, listening.

Josh- Yeah I do, actually.

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