
96 4 0

July 17th, 2019


Boston, Massachusetts



After Vanessa and Josh finished getting ready, they walked down to the hotel room everyone was staying in to hang out until the events and meet and greets.

Vanessa knew Josh was watching her now with her eating which is not what she wanted at all. She needed to get him off her back somehow so she needed to figure out a way to make it look like she was eating normally but she really wasn't. She was finally losing weight and wanted to keep it that way. She thought about it a lot and ultimately came up with the solution of throwing up the food she ate in front of Josh. When he got less suspicious, she'd stop throwing up and just go back to not eating until he suspected something again. She knew it'd be a brutal cycle but she had to do what she had to do.

Now, Cooper wants to introduce Vanessa to Nessa because Coop and Nessa are apparently decent friends too.

Cooper- C'mon pleaseeee?

Cooper gives me puppy dog eyes as he pulls at my arm.

Vanessa- She's my boyfriend's ex, don't you think it's a little weird?

Cooper- No I don't. Plus Josh said that he didn't care if you talked to her and you're my favorite person and I just want you to like Ness because she's like my 5th favorite person and my favorite people have to get along.

Josh was hanging out with Jaden, Bryce, and the rest of the boys while Nessa was hanging out with the girls. I didn't really wanna talk to everyone so Cooper, Gia, Anna, and I were just sitting together on the floor.

Vanessa- She and Josh don't get along.

Coop chuckles.

Cooper- That's the one exception. Please? I'll love you forever.

Cooper smiles and I laugh softly.

Vanessa- You'll love me forever anyways but I'll do it for you.

Cooper- Yes!

Cooper stands up and jumps in circles. The girls and I laugh while everyone looks at him crazy.

Josh- You good Coop?

Josh asks, laughing.

Cooper- Yes! Your girlfriend is the best!

I laugh as I hold my hand out for Cooper to help me up and he does, easily.

Cooper- Damn your light.

He chuckles. He wasn't loud so I don't think many people heard him but I definitely did. I know I should take it as a compliment considering I want to be light but part of me thought he was being sarcastic. I also know he didn't mean it in an insulting way and I didn't exactly take it as a compliment either. It was weird and fucked up but once again, that's my mindset.

I chuckle back as we walk over to Nessa and the people she was hanging out with.

Cooper- Nessa this is my favorite person ever, Vanessa. She's Bryce's sister and the reason I decided to get clean. Well, part of the reason but a big part of the reason.

Nessa looks up at me in absolute awe.

Nessa- Hi- you're really pretty. Can I hug you? It's just- I really love Cooper and I don't want him using anymore.

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