
118 4 0

June 30th, 2019


The Richards residence



Last night was amazing until the whole social media thing. Vanessa hated everyone's opinions of her, except the ones that thought she and Josh were a great fit. She loved those and liked them to try and encourage that type of comment. Vanessa also saw a lot of comments comparing her to his ex, Nessa Barrett. Vanessa had no idea when they dated or for how long but apparently, long enough to be in the public eye. Vanessa stayed up all night, crying over everything they were saying about her. How Nessa was "way skinner" and "had a pretty body type" and "I don't know why Josh would ever wanna be with a fatty like her." Vanessa had never not liked her body and she had never skipped a meal on purpose. She loved food and she never had a reason not to because she was always content with her body but now, things changed.

Josh- Stop reading that shit.

Josh says groggily, taking my phone.

Vanessa- Josh stop.

I try to grab my phone but Josh rolls over and saw what I was looking at which was his ex, Nessa's, Instagram. He turns back to me.

Josh- Seriously?

Vanessa- Have you seen what they're saying?

Josh- No because I don't give a fuck.

I grab my phone, go back to the post of Josh and me and I pull up the comments.

Vanessa- Read them.

Josh sighs.

Josh- They won't change the way I feel about you.

Vanessa- Humor me.

I hand my phone to Josh and he starts to read the comments. After 2 minutes, he shuts my phone off and he puts it on his nightstand.

Josh- They're wrong V.

Vanessa- No they're not. I mean, have you seen her?

Josh- Yes I have unfortunately but I've also seen you. Have you seen you?

I roll my eyes, nodding.

Josh- Come with me.

Josh gets up and he holds his hand out for me to take. I hesitantly take it and he pulls me up off his bed. He opens his bathroom so we could see the mirror and he centers me in the mirror. He stands behind me, his hands on my waist.

Josh- Do you see that?

Vanessa- See what?

Josh- How beautiful you are.

I look up at Josh, who was still looking in the mirror. After a couple of seconds, he makes eye contact. His eyes were gorgeous. I couldn't believe he was mine and for a second, what everyone was saying didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was him. And us.

Vanessa- You're perfect.

Josh smiles, kissing me.

Josh- You're perfect. Promise me you'll stop reading those comments and stop stalking Nessa.

I nod.

Vanessa- Okay. I promise.

Josh holds out his pinky and I chuckle.

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