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6 years later.

"So, finally you decided to get married, huh?", Shreya said, chuckling.

Nitya had called her to tell her the news that she finally found herself the right guy.

"You don't know, Shri", Nitya squealed in excitement. "He is so amazing and so hot. I never imagined that I could get such a guy and that too by arrange marriage".

"Yeah, I also never imagined that you would have an arrange marriage", Shreya said. "Anyways, when's the engagement ceremony?".

"It will be two weeks later and you will have to come", Nitya said sternly. "Last time you missed my birthday party because you had a shooting. Now, I have given you prior information about it and I don't want any excuses. And bring Yuvan jiju and my favourite little girl, Vaani too. I miss my baby girl so much. Haven't seen her in a while".

"Okay madam, as you wish", Shreya said.

They both talked for a while until it was 2:00 pm. Shreya had to go to her daughter's school to bring her home.

Yuvan and Shreya's daughter, Vaani is 4 years old now.


"And mumma, our teacher told us to draw our favourite fruit in our drawing notebook", Vaani said as she completed telling how her day went at school.

"That is great", Shreya said, kissing her little princess on her cheek. "First, mumma and Vaani will have lunch together and then we will complete the homework together".

"You forgot about me?", Yuvan said from behind.

Vaani and Shreya turned around to see Yuvan enter the house. Vaani sprinted towards him, crashing in her baba's arms.

"Baba!", she beamed with happiness.

"Hey baby", Yuvan said, chuckling. He picked up Vaani in his arms.

"You are home early today?", Shreya said, taking Yuvan's bag from his hands.

"Yes", Yuvan said, following Shreya as she started going towards their room to keep Yuvan's and Vaani's bags.
"I just wanted to spend some time with my two lovely ladies".

Shreya chuckled and sat on their bed. Just then Broony, their dog came running inside. Vaani squealed, asking Yuvan to put her down so she could play with Broony.

Yuvan put her down and she immediately went towards him, caressing him. Yuvan sat down next to Shreya, watching their kiddos.

"Don't you think we should give Vaani a cute little baby for her company?", Yuvan said, lightly hitting Shreya's shoulder with his.

"Yuvan!", Shreya said, her cheeks turning pink.

"Oh come on, she is 4 years old now", he whined. "It's perfect to have another one now".

"We will see", Shreya said after thinking for a minute.

"It means yes, right?", Yuvan asked hopefully.

"Can I ever say no to you?", Shreya replied, getting up from bed but Yuvan pulled her down, taking her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

"Oh I love you so so much", he said, repeatedly kissing her cheeks.

"Okay okay, leave me now", Shreya said giggling. "And I love you too".

He finally released his hold and looked into her eyes.

"I just want to be enough for my kids", Shreya said with a sigh. "I don't want them to go through what I have gone through. I want to give them all the happiness of this world".

Yuvan kissed her forehead and said, "Don't doubt yourself, Shreya. You are the best".

Shreya smiled a little and said, "Wait! Did I tell you about Nitya?".

"What about her?", Yuvan asked.

"She is getting married", Shreya told excitedly and turned towards Vaani who was busy playing Broony and hadn't listened to anything they said. "Vaani baby, Nitya mausi is getting married".

Vaani got up from where she was sitting and jumped up and down. "That means I will get new dresses and we will dance together at mausi's wedding".

"Yes princess", Yuvan said, shaking his head and chuckling at his daughter's cute antics.

And that was all Shreya and Yuvan needed. They were in love and happy with their small family. And maybe a cute little member might have joined them soon ;)

The End

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