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"I really don't care about how much money you have because we are gonna get divorce anyway ", Shreya said.

Yuvan started laughing and said, "That's good".

They both were in his car. A peaceful silence fell between them. Shreya looked at Yuvan and admired his face. He was no less than a Greek god. More she looked at him, the more she got attracted to him.

Yuvan looked back at her and saw that she was sitting with both her legs on the car seat.

"Can you sit property like a lady?! ", Yuvan shouted. Shreya got out of her trance and quickly straightened her posture.

She looked at him and he was already looking at her. Their eyes met. His hazel eyes showed disappointment.

"What?!", she said without thinking.

"Can you please behave like a lady?! ", he said with a huff.

"No. I am gonna stay as I am", she said quickly.

Yuvan was at loss of words. Not even a single woman had shouted at him like this before. For a second, he couldn't think straight. He didn't know how to react at this.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself.

"See! I want this marriage to be peaceful for both of us", he said, opening his eyes. "Don't you want that too. You should also try to make this easy for me as I am trying for you. After all, this is all happening because of you".

Shreya looked at him wide eyes and mouth hung open.

"It happened because of me?? ", she questioned. "You are saying this as if it was me who came requesting to you to have sex with me".

"Don't say as if you weren't enjoying that", Yuvan said, glaring at her. "What happened when you were moaning my name?! You were blushing and biting your lips so that you won't shout any louder than you already were".

Shreya's face became red and Yuvan was still looking at her. She looked at her feet but she could feel Yuvan staring at her from the corner of her eyes.

She could feel herself getting warm under his intense stare.

"I-i don't remember this", she stuttered. "Maybe it was just your imagination. It was painful for me because it was your first time and you had no idea what you were doing. You didn't even saw if I was okay after what you did".

"Hey! ", he said, his voice getting louder.

He moved closer to her and he could see how shy she was because she immediately backed away. When she saw his eyes, she could see the playfulness in those hazel orbs. They were so close that she could feel the heat radiating off from his body.

His face was so close that she felt that he was about to kiss her. She closed her eyes tightly, not thinking straight about this.

"See! ", he said, in a low voice. "You face was just as red then as it is now"

He smiled and backed a little. "You want a picture of your face. I can click it for you".

She smacked his arm and sat close to the window, looking outside. Yuvan did the same and started looking outside as if nothing happened.

After a minute or so, Yuvan glanced at her but she couldn't bring herself to look at him. She felt embarrassed after what happened.

It was her first time too and she was so careless. She gave her virginity to him without thinking twice. She felt so bad about losing her virginity like this. She had always wanted it to be special and romantic but her first time was far away from it.

"Sir, mam, we have reached", the driver said, breaking away the tension between the two.

Shreya clumsily opened the door but before she could run inside, Yuvan held her hand.

"What are you doing", a wide-eyed Shreya asked, shock visible on her face.

"Why are you running away like that", he asked. "Is Shreya feeling shy by any chance?? ".

"Leave me alone", she muttered, jerking his hand away and running inside the house.

Yuvan chuckled and shook his head. The look on her face was priceless.

Shreya had just reached the door when she saw an unknown woman standing there. The woman was gorgeous and elegant.

Yuvan came there and he was shocked to see that woman there.

"Mitali", he said in hoarse voice.

Shreya's head snapped to look at him when he called out the woman's name. Mitali was his girlfriend.

Now Shreya, got to know about which type of girl does Yuvan like.

Mitali was just so beautiful. She had long black hairs which were flowing lightly due to the wind. She was wearing grey dress and a white jacket over it. She looked bright, intelligent and kind. It was clear by her appearance that she was rich and sophisticated.

Shreya didn't know what to do in this situation. She could just stand and look at them but she would look like a fool if she did so.

Yuvan and Mitali looked so good together. A classy couple.

Mitali was nothing like Shreya. If Yuvan and Mitali were married, everyone would have been jealous of them.

Mitali turned towards Shreya and glared at her before turning towards Yuvan.

"I am going inside", Shreya said shakily and went inside without listening to his response.

"What type of a girl have you brought home?! ", Mitali said, pointing towards where Shreya went.

"Did you read the message that I sent you?? ", he asked cautiously. "Everything just happened so fast. I couldn't do anything to stop this. I know you are sad and angry but this is the truth. I didn't have a choice because my family thinks that she can cure my disease. I know it's so difficult for you to accept this right now. If you want to break up with me, you can. I understand if you don't wanna be in a relationship with me anymore. I broke the promise I had given to you so, you have right to do this. You can punch me, slap me, kick me, hate on me, I will accept everything because I deserve it".

Mitali was shaking because of trying to control her tears. "How can I even hit you?! I could never hate you Yuvan. I just want to ask you that what should I do now?? "

"Me and Shreya are just strangers. I had known her for just a few days. Believe me I didn't even know her name until my mother told me", he said. "I married her because my family perssured me to. Really, if I could do anything, I would have stopped this marriage. You know me, Mitali. You know that I can never betray you. Whenever I will get a chance, I will divorce her".

As soon as she heard this, Mitali's head perked up. Her eyes were glistening with tears.

"Really?? ", she asked.

Yuvan nodded and replied, "Yeah, me and her have already talked about it earlier".

Yuvan and Mitali had loved each other since they were 14 years old. They had to separate because of Yuvan's disease. His family wanted him to marry a girl who would be able to support him. A girl who can cure his disease.

Whenever he was near Mitali, he would start getting rashes and he would feel itching. Mitali had tried everything to stop this. She stopped applying makeup and even took a few medicines but nothing helped.

Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now