Epilogue - Eyeless Jack

Start from the beginning

"You're bleeding," he commented, hands relaxing by his sides, "sit."

There was no point arguing or even speaking up at all since Eyeless Jack just up and left the living room after, walking down the hall and into a door on the right. Y/n turned her attention to the couch and decided to listen, for now, sitting down on the comfortable furniture. It felt nice sitting on something that had actual support. It felt like forever since she was actually able to have a moment to relax.

Eyeless Jack re-entered the living room a moment later, holding a bottle of disinfectant and cotton in one hand, a roll of bandages in the other. Y/n rolled up the pant leg where Jack had smelled the blood, the material already soaked red, the sight of the wound causing Y/n to grimace. It was always worse seeing the wound.

"I assume you were...well," Jack rumbled, trying to find the right words, "warped here as well? With no explanation?"

Y/n felt her blood run cold at the question, her lips pulling up into a sheepish smile as she pondered the question. It wasn't like she didn't know what, more exactly who caused the rip in reality... But Y/n was more concerned about Jack's reaction to the information. After all, she was the one who chose him, yet it wasn't her fault that he had been transported here so carelessly.

Jack paused in tending to her wound due to the silence that was produced by his question. She could feel what could only be described as a gaze watching her awkward movements.

"Well...yes, but..." She trailed off, leaning back against the couch with her head turned away. Jack still didn't move, the bandages she had around her leg before were now removed and the wound opened to the cool air.

"But?" He repeated, urging her to continue.

"I...uh, how do I say this..." Y/n wasn't purposefully stalling, "I...in a way, chose you? I was asked what I wanted...and I chose safety..."

The female finally had her head turn back to where the man knelt in front of her. The faceless, blue mask stared at her, causing her heart to increase in pace at the uncomfortable gaze. An unthinkable thing happened next; Jack laughed.

The cannibal laughed, his hand that held the bandages now dropping to the ground as he placed them on the floorboards. They rolled, unraveling slightly before coming to a stop.

"Safety? And you chose me?" He chuckled, his now free hand coming up to his blue mask. Eyeless Jack pried the object up and over his head, tossing it to the floor carelessly. The man's lips were curled up into a big, toothy smile. Even though Y/n could see his face, she couldn't read his expression.

"Yes...?" Okay, maybe now, just barely, she may have been regretting this decision.

Eyeless Jack stood on his feet and bent down towards her sitting figure, his left hand coming to the top corner of the couch, while his right was pressed on the back of the couch cushion, right next to her head. Jack placed his right knee next to her left leg, leaning forward.

"What in your right mind said that I was a good choice?" His eyes, or the deep pits of them, narrowed. Y/n leaned her head back, pressing herself further into the couch. He had been closer to her before, but not this forward. This whole situation was giving her mixed signals.

"You," she had to take a moment to swallow the lump in her throat while ignoring the weight that disappeared from near the right side of her head, "you never showed any hostility to me before... I-I didn't think it would be a problem so I-"

Y/n winced, her leg suddenly sending a jolt of pain down and up her nerves, but the pressure had disappeared just as it came. Her eyes flickered down toward her right leg, spotting the grey hand that now barely touched the exposed wound. Her ears burned as he placed his palm there again, but didn't once grip it as the previous claw had done to her.

"Jack, that hurts," her voice was small now as she lifted her head to look at him completely. His brows raised, but the curl of his lips made her know that he was doing this on purpose. No blood spilled from the wound, that much they could both tell, but it didn't stop Y/n from worrying.

"It hurts?" He repeated, leaning his weight onto his right arm so he could bring his face closer to her own as her breath hitched, "I can make you hurt in many different ways, you know this...yet, you still chose me," he whispered, long ears flicking, listening to her breathing, her pounding heart.

Eyeless Jack closed the distance between the two of them, his cold lips pressing into her own. Y/n's tensed nerves relaxed, exhaling once he had pulled away and could only take in a lungful of oxygen before Jack came back for another.

Her eyes, which had closed to savor this moment, shot open when she felt a prick of something sharp against her bottom lip. Her e/c eyes stared forward in shock, right into the dark depths of Jack's own. She could feel his wide smile as he pulled away slowly, gently tugging on her bottom lip with his sharp teeth.

The pain was only temporary, her bottom lip was now a bit red from the small bite but no blood had sprung from the small pricks. He would never do such a thing to her, at least not on purpose.

Jack hummed, a black tongue sliding along his own lips as he leaned back, rolling his shoulder in the process.

"Tell me, would you choose me a second time if you had the choice?"

Y/n blinked, exhaling slowly as her shoulders dropped, "for you, yes."

The answer caused Eyeless Jack's expression to soften, but immediately turn to a grin, "then just remember, whatever happens next, it's your fault for choosing me."


Route completed

[Next up; Doctor Smiley]

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