Valentines Day [Kustard]

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Classic packed up his things and glanced at Red's table, he saw Red was still zoning out and he walked to Red's table. "Hey Red, snap out of it. It's time to leave for english." Classic says as he gently shook Red. Red snapped out of his thoughts and quickly gets up.

His head accidentally bumped into Classic's teeth and the two winced in pain. "Oh fucking asgore!" Red says as he rubs his skull and glances at Classic who was covering his mouth and wincing too. "God, Red..." Classic muttered.

Red quickly placed his hands on Classic's shoulders and asked in concern "Oh my asgore, Classic, Are ya' okay?!". Classic blushed a bit, their faces were mere inches away and wanted to just...lean in.

Red kept shaking him until Classic finally snapped out of his thoughts. Classic blushed a blue and unknowingly ran out of the classroom, leaving Red dumbfounded and hurt.

Red sighed and grabbed his things before leaving. He kept thinking about Classic's face before he ran out. Damn...his expression was kinda cute, he wished that he had taken pictures of it but sadly he never got to.

He was smiling to himself, daydreaming about Classic's blushing face again and again.

He bumped into someone and was about to say a rude remark when he realized that he was face to face with his math teacher, Mr. Oliver.

"Red Vic, what were you gonna say to me?", The teacher asked while rasing an eyebrow. "Uh...hehehe...n-nothing sir." Red replied, gulping.

His teacher sighed and laughed it off, Red was a bit confused. "Calm down, little man. Just don't do it again, besides you can't get any bitches at this point if I send you to detention." Mr. Oliver said and Red awkwardly laughs


Mr. Oliver shoves Red to the classroom and he quickly leaves saying "Tell everyone I'm not teaching today and they can do whatever the fuck they want cuz' I'm gonna go out and treat my woman!". Red awkwardly replies "Okay?" And he stares at the class who were also staring at him.

"Did he ditch us?" A random kid asks Red and he nodded.

The class erupts to screams of triumph and start standing up or grabbing their phones out of their bags.

Red was about to happily walk to Classic's chair when some Girls started surrounding him. Red was really confused, most of them were cheerleaders and divas. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" Red asked and one simply placed their pointer finger at Red's nonexistent lips. "Shush... wanna come at my house tonight? I have champagne and...I could let you-"

Red shoved her away, he was having none of it. He was happily gay and he was only gay for Classic.

The others stared at him in shock but he didn't care, he made his way to Classic's chair and sat next to him. Classic laughed at Red, "Wow...rough being handsome buddy?" He asked and both of them stared at each other.

Red blushed and so did Classic. It was a bit awkward but Classic decided to change the topic.

" got a crush?" Classic asks and Red blushed even more. "Uuhmmm....kind of?" Red answers truthfully while staring into Classic's eyes. Classic fiddled around with his pen and stared at Red.

"Do you have a type?" He asks and this catches Red off-guard. "Uh yeah! Well.. I like chill, funny, and straightforward people...and...people with beautiful eyes." Red says, describing Classic in a vague way.

Classic thought it was someone else and said "Oh...". Red took a deep breath and asked " got a type?". Classic blushes a bit and said "Yeah...I like pretty people who likes working hard for themselves..". Red was hurt, he was no where near hardworking hell, he can't even get a decent grade If he even tried.

The two were quiet. Then started talking topics related to Valentines day and things they find attractive. It was really a nice moment for them but damn did the author want them to kiss already.

After math class, they moved on to their next subject and after that subject they moved to the next one. The classes were easier since the teachers wanted to cut the students some slack cuz' they wanted to spot romance in the class, and what the teachers were seeing was Classic and Red playing cat and mouse with each other.

When lunch time started, Classic and Red didn't even sit on the same table because for them it was "awkward". Yeah, right. I can see them looking at each other every few seconds.

Classic was trying to avoid Red while Red was trying to get closer to Classic the whole afternoon. It hurt just watching them.

After class was finished and everyone went home, It was Red and Classic left in the school hallways.

"Classic, Wait up!" Red shouted for Classic who was walking away. Classic tried his best to ignore Red but Red finally caught up with him and grabbed him by the shoulders. "What the fuck is up with you today? Why are you trying to get away from me?" Red asked.

Classic stopped.

He gulped and sighed before removing his bag and opening one of It's zippers. He pulled out the a bit crumpled heart and gave it to Red before running away.

Too afraid to see Red's reaction.

Red held the paper heart with widened eyes. He...was shocked, he blushed a cherry red and opened the letter.

He read each word carefully and looked up. Classic was gone. He quickly ran after Classic, but was met with Classic walking towards his dad's car.

"Wait! Classic! Please stop!" Red shouted from the entrance. Classic stopped and turned around. Gaster was confused, "Isn't that the nice edgy boy you've been talking about, Sans?" He asked but Classic didn't reply.

Red quickly ran to Classic and gave him a large hug. Classic hugs back in shock.

Gaster watched the situation go down and he quickly grabbed his phone to record the moment.

After they parted, Classic asked "R-red?'re okay with the letter?". Red only smiled and handed Classic the letter, this broke Classic's heart since he thought he was rejected...

Then Red removed his bag and pulled out a heart-shaped box and offered it to Classic.

"Classic, will you be my sweetheart or valentine?" Red asked and Classic covered his mouth. He kissed Red on the lips and replied "Yes! I would love to Red!".

Red smiled and the two exchanged gifts. Red got his letter back and Classic got Red's chocolate box.

Gaster watched this with a smile and said "Oh my, my son has his first boyfriend. You, edgy boy, if you cheat on him, I'll dispose your dust in the ocean.". Red awkwardly laughs and replies "Of course I wont cheat on him sir..".

Classic smiled and hugged Red, "Hey Dad? Can we drop Red off?" Classic asks his father and Gaster thinks about it.

He gets out of the car with his wallet in hand and walks to the new couple. He gives Classic a couple hundred G and said "Why don't you guys spend the night together? Since its valentines day and I want to treat your mother to a game of "twister". Sans, you can sleep at his house if you want but no funny business, okay?".

Classic smiles and accepts the money, "Sure dad, have fun playing "twister" with mom." He replied laughing. Red awkwardly laughs along and Gaster left leaving the two teenagers on school grounds.

The two of them looked at each other and smirked, this night was gonna be fun.

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