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A few months after that, Eli, Heather, Yura, Sally, Warren, Derek, Max, and Olly were eating on the roof.

"The money," Yura said while holding both Sally's hands. She gulped before continuing, "You don't have any more money, right?"

"N-no, we have money," Sally said reassuringly. She plastered the most convincing smile that she had, but it was quickly shattered by what Yura said next.

"Liar, I know you didn't have anymore money," Yura said, letting go of Sally's hands before crossing her arms against each other.

Shocked Sally asks, "How did you know?"

Yura suddenly grabs her wallet from her pocket, opening it before grabbing a credit card and putting it in Sally's hands. "Here, it might not be that much, but I hope it helps."

"No! You don't need to," Sally said as she tried to put the money back in Yura's hands. Yura already paid for a month's worth of food. It would be ungrateful of her if she received more. Though, Sally stretched out the food as best as she could just to make it last longer.

A knock interrupted them, making them look at where it was coming from. It was from Warren and Eli.

"Rent," Eli said as he handed a handful of cash to Sally.

"Where did you get it, Eli?" Yura asks. Her curiosity got the better of her, which is why she asked.

"Just..." Eli was unable to answer; he was frozen for a good few seconds before putting the cash inside cash inside Warren's shirt. "Here's the deal: Warren earned this money, and you should do something tasty with it, okay?"

Eli and Warren whispered something to each other so no one else could hear them while Yura, Sally, and Ryan just watched the two.


"Then, here's a suggestion. How about we all become one? Hm?" A masculine man with a tattoo suddenly walked towards them; he was wearing a girlish black outfit. He was also sporting blue nail polish on his nails. On his neck, there's a golden chain with a blue ribbon tied on it.

"That's that dude," The goon on his right said, while the goon on his left said, "The one who messed with us, backdoor." They said that while walking like they were on a runway.

"Lucky," their leader flirtatiously said.


Near Sally's building, Yura was walking towards Sally's building, holding a liquid. It was a transparent pop drink container.

Yura suddenly recalled the events earlier, when her mom gave her this mysterious container.

"My little princess heroine~" Her mom called her as she massaged her head that was lying on the bed.

"Yes, Mom?" Yura wakes up. She uses her hand to scratch her face. Her vision was slightly blurry while looking at her mother but slowly became clear.

"Here, drink this if you're in danger. You'll be safe." Her mom grabs her hands and puts the mysterious liquid container between her hands.

"Where did you even get this?" Yura asked, as it was her first time seeing such a container along with its mysterious glowing liquid.

"A friend of mine gave it to me, saying it would save you when the right time came," her mom explained.

Yura's mind went back to reality when she noticed men lying in front of Sally's building. They are all beaten among the pile of men laying on the cold floor. Yura noticed a familiar figures. The figures of Warren, Max, and Derek as Heather and Sally surrounds them.

"What happened?!?" Yura screamed as she ran towards them in panic.

"Some guys who called themselves from a group called Backdoor surrounded us," Sally explained to Yura.

Backdoor: It's Darius Hong, their leader.


"Monster!" Warren yelled.

The moment Yura puts an antiseptic on Warren's wounds, the boy can't help but scream in pain.

"Seriously? You're not afraid to get wounds, but you're afraid of antiseptic aid?" Yura said that as she was cleaning Warren's wounds when she suddenly halted because of the sudden realization on her mind, she couldn't help but ask Warren, "By any chance? You didn't get touched by a guy named Darius Hong, right?"

"Darius Hong? Who's that?" Warren asked while looking somewhere else.

Yura sighs, finishing cleaning Warren's wounds, and says, "Good. If you got touched by Darius Hong, even if it's just a little bit, I would never touch you again."

Yura got up and walked towards Eli. "You didn't get touched by him, did you?" Yura asked Eli with a matching raise of her eyebrow.

"Yes, he did-!," Olly yelled, but was quickly cut short when Eli said, "No, I didn't."

"Are you sure?" Yura asks. Looking at Eli, he and Olly have different answers, which is why she decided to ask again.

"I didn't," Eli said straight before grabbing Yura's hand. For some reason, even though Eli said no when Yura asked him earlier if he had ever been touched by someone named Darius Hong, Yura suddenly felt a thousand insects crawling up her body. When Yura looks down at her torso, thousands of imaginary insects are crawling on her.

It all stopped when a hand suddenly held Yura's hand; it was Heather's. "Yura, can I?" Heather asked while holding first aid kits.

Yura noticed a noticable blush on her best friend Heather's face and couldn't help but look back and fort between Heather and Eli. She can't help but suddenly blush. She puts a teasing smile on her face, like a friend teasing her best friend after knowing who her crush is.

"Yeah, Sure!" Yura exclaimed while smiling. She doesn't really know how to react; she was disappointed while at the same time happy. Why? "Derek, Max, do you need help? Olly, do you need help too?"

"No, thank you, Yura," both Derek and Max said while whimpering like twins sitting in the corner of the rooftop.

Before Olly or whoever can reply, Sally immediately yells, "Me! I need help, Yura; I got a little cut here."

Yura immediately walked towards Sally, not noticing the discontent on someone's face. He was jealous because she helped everyone except him.

"Are you afraid of Darius Hong?" Eli inquired as Heather cleaned his wound.

"No," Yura sighs as she cleans Sally's scratch before facing the others, "sorta, because he did try to have an intimate relationship with my brother."

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