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Yura remained tense as she observed Goo seated on a chair. How does this individual possess knowledge of her former legendary status? That seems implausible! While she hadn't actively concealed her tracks, it was highly unlikely that people knew she was Mizu. It was as if someone intentionally kept her identity a secret.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fight," Goo reassured her, walking around. Yura let out a sigh of relief, but her respite was short-lived as a chair suddenly crashed into her arms. Through sheer muscle memory, her arm instinctively raised, narrowly avoiding a blow to her head.

Her schoolmates and students from nearby schools watched in shock, and whispers about their altercation began to fill the corridor.

The student council president promptly approached Yura, seemingly intending to address the situation. However, before any words were exchanged, the two combatants lunged at each other again, unintentionally thrusting a second-year student, Cho Ma, into the middle of their clash. Cho Ma, feeling the ache throughout his body, was taken aback. It was astounding how such seemingly petite individuals could deliver such powerful blows.

"Yura, as your senior, I kindly request that you refrain from causing headaches for us seniors," the student council president admonished. Yura glanced at her senior, offering a smile. She then looked at Goo and waved at him. Cho Ma's earlier warning resonated with her; even though she wasn't the instigator, she could find herself in trouble and potentially bring trouble to the school.

"Yes, I apologize, senior! Goo and I are actually friends, and our interaction was merely a unique way of greeting each other. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding," Yura quickly explained, seizing Goo's arm and escorting him away. Goo whistled nonchalantly as he followed her.

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you become my secret friend?" Goo suggested.

Yura glanced at Goo, squeezing his hand tightly. She couldn't fathom what was going on in his mind. Instead of wincing or urging her to release her grip, he simply smiled and engaged her in conversation, as if they were genuine friends.

"I'm not interested," Yura replied firmly.

"How about a couple, then?"

Yura gave Goo a sharp glare, letting go of his hand and raising an eyebrow. This audacious individual had just proposed being a couple. What was he thinking?

"I already have a boyfriend."

"You mean a contract boyfriend. What I'm offering is a genuine relationship."

Yura's eyes widened. Was he joking? Never mind. She couldn't fathom what was going through his mind, but one thing was certain: he wasn't as much of an idiot as he seemed if he had figured out her contract relationship with DG.

Suddenly, a familiar and menacing glare caught Yura's attention. She scanned her surroundings and spotted a familiar face lurking amidst the crowd. Despite his disguise, she could still recognize him—the devil reincarnated, Diego Kang. Unexplainably, Yura felt a surge of panic and immediately began searching for an excuse, despite their relationship being solely contractual.

"W-what? This isn't what you think! Goo and I, uh..." Yura stammered, attempting to explain the situation to DG, but Goo abruptly interrupted her explanations with a single sentence.

"It is what you think."

Yura stared at Goo, frustrated. This imbecile! Did he wish for a death wish from the devil reincarnate? And why did he needlessly involve her?

"I'm expressing my love for Mizu," Goo declared.

No! It's not like that! Yura prepared to explain once more, but DG swiftly pulled her into his embrace. Blushing, Yura found herself at a loss for words. It was as if she had been programmed to blush at that very moment.

"Diego," Dg uttered.

"Huh?" Yura responded.

Yura glanced at DG's face, and it was far from pleasant. His eyes exuded a readiness to kill at any moment.

"Why do you call others by their names while referring to me only by my stage name?" DG's voice dripped with accusation. Goo and DG locked eyes, an intense standoff between two men. Goo's customary smile had vanished, while DG's wild, enraged expression made it clear he was ready to fight.

Yura silently prayed for divine intervention. Suddenly, a firm, muscular hand rested on her shoulder, capturing her attention. Just a glance at the hand was enough to determine that it belonged to a boy.

Divine intervention had arrived.

"Oh, Jay!" Yura exclaimed, recognizing her friend and seatmate. Jay was usually quiet and reserved, but somehow Yura could have full-fledged conversations with him merely through their exchanged expressions.

"Oh? The charity date auction?" Jay inquired.

DG and Goo redirected their attention from each other towards the person Yura was conversing with. Another contender had emerged. DG questioned silently, Is Yura attempting to assemble a harem?

Observing Jay's expression, Yura swiftly discerned the answer. She couldn't explain how she understood Jay without him uttering a word—perhaps she possessed ninja skills from a distant land and was acquainted with a blond-haired boy housing a trapped demon fox. She could interpret hand signs, which further evolved into facial expressions!

Yura impulsively slapped herself in the face. Her brother had undoubtedly infected her with his eighth-grade syndrome without her awareness.

"You want me to bid on your friend? Sure!" Yura declared, grabbing Jay's arm and fleeing the scene.

Upon their arrival, the bidding had already commenced. Vasco was up next, and girls in the vicinity shrieked and blushed. Yura bet that Vasco would have secured numerous bids if it weren't for his nervous and intimidating countenance.

"1,000!" Yura bid on Vasco, not overly concerned since the money would ultimately be donated to charity. Vasco responded with a menacing smile, to which Yura simply waved back.

Whispers regarding how Vasco was able make the same amount the record set by DJ Roofy two years ago began circulating. Meanwhile, DG—Yura's boyfriend, as a reminder—smiled and draped his arm around her shoulder.

Yura looked at DG, who reciprocated with a smile that sent shivers down her spine. It was eerily familiar, reminiscent of someone she had once known—James Lee.

Now, it was Daniel Park's turn to be auctioned. Jay had been conversing with Daniel earlier; they were friends. Daniel's handsomeness rivaled that of DG, or perhaps even surpassed it.

"300!" Zoe, Yura's classmate and friend, placed the first bid. However, her bid was swiftly surpassed by Lala Kim, a girl from Chanel High School who resembled IU, the famous singer. Lala wagered $1,000 for Daniel.

Yura and Jay overheard how unfortunate fate awaited those who received bids from Lala. Jay tugged on Yura's sleeve, and she understood his unspoken message. Yura didn't know how she comprehended Jay's thoughts without a word being spoken—perhaps she possessed the ability to decipher hand signals, evolving them into facial expressions!

Yura inwardly laughed at her own imagination. Her brother had definitely infected her with his eighth-grade syndrome.

"You want me to buy your friend? Sure!" Yura exclaimed, seizing the opportunity and bidding.

"2,000!" Yura raised the stakes, thwarting Lala's attempt to secure Daniel's companionship. Lala glared at Yura, outraged that this handsome man had been snatched away. Lala had vowed that this would be the year she finally obtained a boyfriend, and Daniel seemed like the perfect candidate.

As Lala prepared to counter Yura's bid, another girl intervened.

"4,000!" Crystal Choi announced her bid.

Yura and DG exchanged glances. Meanwhile, Goo received an urgent phone call, forcing him to depart abruptly. Before leaving, he poked Yura's serious expression cheekily.

"Unfortunately, I've received an unexpected call! Until we meet again, Mizu!" Goo called out as he disappeared into the distance.



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