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Yura was perplexed and asked Jay why he decided to take Enu's puppies even though he had exhibited a strong fear of them."Uh, Jay? I was wondering why you adopted Enu's puppies if you're so terrified of them."

She was being used as a shield by Jay. Yura observed Jay, who suffered from a phobia of dogs, amusingly seek refuge behind a girl in the presence of the cute creatures.

Jay observes Yura playing with puppies and questions the reason for her him that.

Yura asked Jay why he had adopted Enu's puppies when he seemed to be afraid of them, while gently petting one of the little ones.

How should he articulate his words? Was it because he desired to make a good impression on both Yura and Daniel? His intention was to receive Yura's admiration, and to see Yura smiling at him. Jay had the desire to express his thoughts but was unable to articulate them. It is impossible for him to do so.

"I'm not sure what's on your mind right now, but maybe I can bring Elizabeth the 4th with me tomorrow, and we can walk Elizabeth and Enu's puppies together at the park," Yura suggested that they could take Elizabeth the 4rth along with them tomorrow when they go to the park to walk the puppies of Elizabeth and Enu. Her intention is to have Elizabeth accompany Enu's pups on their walk. She was confident that they would have a great rapport.

"Excuse me, Ms.", Jay's butler hands over the puppies' leash to Yura and generously hands an additional one for Elizabeth's use. "Why don't you do it now?"

Yura quickly seized the leash and replied, "No problem! I'll just ask Josh to bring Elizabeth over here," following it up by reaching for her phone and dialing Josh's number.

Before answering the call, Josh took a few rings. Impatiently, his response was to ask her what her request was. He added that he already had plans by asking, "What's up? I'm on a date."

Yura took a moment to comprehend Josh just said before issuing a warning, "If you're being unfaithful to Zoe, I will have no choice but to smack you on the face."

The call was filled with an uncomfortable pause until Josh intervened by asking, "Are you high? I'm on a date with Zoe," casting a look at his beautiful companion who accompanied him.

Yura briefly looked at Jay and his butler and responded, "oh yeah... I.... Totally get that..."

In really, She totally did not get that.


Yura and Jay strolled in the park with their furry companions; however, Jay appeared to be trembling with fright, and Yura made efforts to comfort him to the greatest extent possible.

Despite appearing hesitant to handle the puppies, he maintains a smile as Yura suggests offering her help by holding onto the leash. "I can hold the leash for you"

Jay abruptly assumed a composed posture, concealing any trace of trepidation.

"Okay, Let us proceed," stated Yura after looking at Jay's body language, as she and Jay resumed their stroll, only to notice Daniel strolling alongside Enu.

They pause in astonishment upon seeing each other, prior to exchanging greetings. "Hi Daniel!" Yura greeted Daniel, who nodded before responding, "Oh, Hello Yura."

Before parting ways, the three of them engage in brief conversation. Elizabeth, however, suddenly exhibits erratic behavior and begins pursuing Daniel and Enu relentlessly. At this moment, Yura interjects, shouting "Hold up, Elizabeth!"

Yura attempts to restrain Elizabeth with the leash, but it fails and results in Elizabeth running unencumbered towards Daniel and Enu, who were already a distance away.

"Well, This is awkward..., " Yura attempted to dissipate the uncomfortable situation by laughing nervously in front of Jay, while scratching the back of her neck. "Uh, can you give me a few minutes? I'll get Elizabeth first before we resume walking Enu's puppies?" She requested a brief pause before continuing to walk Enu's puppies, so that she could go get Elizabeth.

Jay shows a sign of agreement as Yura begins chasing her naughty dog.

Jay watches as Yura's silhouette diminishes gradually with each of her footsteps.

As Jay observed the tug pulling on the leash, he noticed a puppy had poop onto the ground.

As he was scrubbing away the feces on his knees, one of the adorable puppies playfully leaped towards him, teasing him in a way that caused Jay to quickly scurry away and hide behind one of the establishment's corners.

Jay looked around the corner apprehensively before catching sight of Enu's adorable puppies, who were wagging their tails inquisitively and wondering what he was up to. He couldn't help but wish that Yura was there with him.

Jay wiped his brow as he secured the leash to the post and effortlessly cleaned up the mess on the ground, only to realize that the puppies' leash had been damaged.

He experienced a sensation of extreme anxiety. As he sprinted back from whence he came, he fervently hoped that the young dogs would pursue Yura and Daniel rather than aimlessly roaming about. While returning, he observed that Yura and Daniel were present, but Elizabeth and Enu were missing.

Yura was taken aback as she exclaimed, "Wait? The puppies are also missing?"

Yura and Daniel got separated from Elizabeth and Enu after the latter duo started running without waiting for them. In an attempt to alleviate her concerns, Yura made a light-hearted remark suggesting that Elizabeth could be a negative influence on Enu and the puppies.

Jay, Daniel, and Yura were on a frantic search for their dogs as they dashed around in all directions.

In the distance, Yura observed a commotion involving Enu and a black canine engaged in a brawl. Elizabeth protected the puppies behind her and growled at the black dog in a fierce manner, while Enu engaged in a physical battle with it.

As Elizabeth's owner, all that can be expressed is a certain level of pride for Elizabeth the 4rth. She's sorta proud for her.

Yura, who happens to be the swiftest runner among the trio, accelerates her pace and then hastily kick the black dog that was about to Enu. Her speed can be attributed to both her small stature and the martial art that she was learned called Chi Blocking, which require the user to be agile and quick in executing deadly strikes.

Daniel and Jay were unable to catch the dog as it ran away prior to their arrival.

Yura kneels before the young canines and notices that both Enu and the puppy adorned with a number one on their shirt are wounded and trembling in distress.

As Jay observes Enu affectionately grooming her pup, his mind harkens back to the moment when these mischievous pups managed to break free, causing him to drop to his knees in tears.


Jay, Yura, and Daniel were patiently waiting for the veterinarian to administer medical attention to the puppy. Jay's eagerness to reunite with the puppy after treatment was highly apparent.

As the vet approaches with a treated puppy and a grin, the pooch becomes giddy with excitement upon spotting some familiar faces, wagging its tail enthusiastically.


Subsequently, Yura remains uncertain about the following events, but when Jay summons her to stroll the puppies and Elizabeth the 4rth once again, she notices that the puppies are adorned in extravagant attire.

Yura observed people and dogs staring at Enu's puppies who was being walked by Jay before commenting in a low voice, "I am amazed just simply wow... Dogs have more rizz than me."

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