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In recent weeks, the appearance in public of Yura, the previously undisclosed girlfriend of DG, has been a popular topic of discussion. Ever since her debut, she adeptly secured numerous lucrative contracts with high-end brands.

"Hey Zoe!"

"Is that not your classmate, Yura?"

Zoe was accompanied by a friend who drew attention to the high-end watch advertisement on the billboard. The person was familiar but also had an air of unfamiliarity surrounding them.

However, it should be noted that...

Yura, whom she knows from school, has such thick glasses that her eyes remain hidden. She sports ragged attire accompanied by worn out footwear. Is it possible for her to be in a relationship with DG? Or is she pretending to be less fortunate in order to elicit pity? However, that seems unlikely as she is constantly being ridiculed for her unkempt appearance.


As Yura sorted through her fan mail, she came across a distinctive black envelope that caught her attention. Intrigued, she sets aside the remaining pale envelopes to peruse the contents of one in particular.

As Yura went through the unusual letter, she was struck with an eerie sensation that made her shudder spontaneously. It was documented in some medium. Upon inhaling the letter, she realized that it only contained the scent of paint. This text is saying,

'Hello Mizu,

Hi there! I am a companion hailing from Gangdong. I've been an admirer of yours since your legendary era, but were you aware that I possess some inside information about you that you're oblivious to? Had you not crossed paths with him on that day, you would have ceased to exist, as it was not meant to be. You dwell in the acclaimed webcomic Lookism, where I am depicted as its leading lady. DG, Daniel, Gun, and Goo are among the individuals who belong to my collection of lovers. I am showing you mercy by refraining from pursuing you, however, what compelled you to take DG from me, you promiscuous person? Your demise was meant to have occurred a while back. What was the reason for your existence?


It's highly unlikely to find Heather alive in Gangdong since she ought to have perished by this time. She had a vision of her own funeral. Is disclosing this to Eli a viable option? Also, what does Lookism mean? Multiple inquiries are currently racing through her thoughts.

At that moment, DG unexpectedly emerged from the bathroom as its door swung open. He approaches Yura, who is encircled by admirer messages.

It was wrong of me to expose you to other people's eyes. "I have now introduced you to a multitude of your admirers."

DG lovingly pressed kisses to Yura's cheeks before embracing her warmly.

"Do you really love me?"

"Do I really need to answer?"

Yura directs her gaze towards DG. As per the agreement, DG and she are merely a contractual pair, however, he has recently been behaving towards her as if she were his real romantic partner. She's beginning to question whether their relationship is solely based on a contractual agreement, and furthermore, she's skeptical about the notion of falling in love with someone after just a short period of acquaintance.

"Sorry, I already know the answer. Nevertheless, as per our agreement, you are prohibited from kissing me, Mr. DG," Yura stated while teasingly pushing DG's face away.

Her current priority is to concentrate on the present without concerning herself with the future. She will relish the gift and have concerns about what lies ahead.

Rather than respond, DG chose to express affection by kissing her again on the cheek before turning off the lights and retiring for the night.

"How about we catch some sleep? You need to have a conversation with Crystal regarding your plans with Paprika TV.

Yura says, "That's your side, while the right side is mine. Don't forget it's in the contract." before pointing to the left side of the bed.

Yura shut her eyelids. She desires that the unsettling individual who wrote the letter would cease any communication with her, or alternatively, she could seek assistance to locate that person. It doesn't matter, she'll contact someone for assistance tomorrow.

The beam of sunlight strikes Yura's face. She is definitely being embraced by someone. Gradually, she lifted her eyelids. As she looked ahead, she caught a glimpse of stunning eyes fixed on her while smiling.

"And why are you on my side of the bed Mr.?"

DG has a smile on his face. It appears as though Yura is oblivious to the fact that she was occupying his portion of the bed. DG was just about ready to leave his bed when his endearing girlfriend unexpectedly snuggled up next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"You should look at what side you are Ms."

Upon surveying her environment and the location she finds herself in, Yura acknowledges the accuracy of DG's observation. Her face abruptly took on a deep red tone.

"Why did you say that?! Now I feel obliged to depart now! Bye!"

DG gazes at his significant other who moved with such swiftness towards the restroom that her feet appeared to be moving too rapidly to catch a glimpse. Yura is the same despite the passage of time and has not undergone any significant alterations.

The time of the school festival has arrived.

Due to her sudden rise to fame, Yura was granted clemency, as her public status was anticipated to benefit her educational institution. It is sufficient for her to attend school once per week. Despite achieving a level of celebrity, Yura has not changed as an individual and remains true to herself. Nevertheless, her decreased frequency of attending school might have consequences on both her social connections with peers and academic accomplishments.

DG gave her a ride to a location close to the entrance of her school. Despite being capable of going to school on her own, DG insisted on giving her a ride. To avoid others making advances towards his girlfriend, it is advisable for him to inform them beforehand about Yura being his romantic partner.


Yura swiftly made her way to the entrance of the school in order to partake in the festivities. As this occurrence is infrequent, she should relish it to the fullest extent possible.

Yura made her way to the baked goods area where she then procured multiple portions of newly baked bread. It was at this point that she became aware of a gentleman who was wearing a smile and looking in her direction. He dons costly attire, eyeglasses, and flaunts a mane of blond hair.

"Ah, I see you are the secret girlfriend of DG"

Yura's ears have just made a small movement. For an inexplicable reason, the man uttered the term "secret" with a touch of sarcasm, leaving her clueless as to the underlying meaning. She has a strong aversion towards anything originating from this man. All his aura screams about is danger.

"Who are you?"

Upon meeting DG, she couldn't discern any indication of danger from him for reasons unknown, or perhaps he was simply too skillful at concealing it.

Yura remains watchful. Should the man attempt to make even the tiniest of movements, she will be compelled to strike him. In some way or another, Yura recollects an individual with whom she engaged in a conflict in Gangdong. Although that gentleman possessed a considerable amount of strength, it appears that his strength was insufficient for the given task. Assuming a fight were to occur at present, Yura is fully convinced that the opponent would triumph as she has become feeble.

"Hello there, Legend of Gangdong, Mizu, I'm Goo Kim"


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