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A legendary tale gained massive popularity three years ago. An enigmatic entity capable of causing upheaval within the gangster world. There are whispers suggesting that she could possess the same formidable strength as the one man circle, a guy named James Lee, a figure from the first generation era who was more akin to a terrifying creature than a mere man. The queen, with her ocean-blue locks and doll-like black eyes, was renowned for her undefeated record. The woman was recognized as the "next James Lee", who had earned a reputation as a legendary figure in the upcoming generation.

All were filled with wonder and admiration. Who is this enigmatic individual that seemingly materialized from nowhere? It is quite a challenge to emerge victorious over the most skilled individuals, but that enigmatic female achieved it effortlessly despite her small yet powerful physique.

However, just as quickly as the enigmatic young woman materialized, she abruptly disappeared without a trace. The most recent altercation involving the enigmatic female occurred in Gangdong. In a fierce battle between Gun Park and an enigmatic young lady, the latter emerged as the unbeaten champion despite the intense fight. The girl emerged victorious over Gun in their altercation and managed to embed steel pins into his body before disappearing, leaving no traces of her presence.

Due to varying accounts of her tale, her true identity remains unknown. However, she is widely referred to as Mizu, who is akin to being the James Lee of the forthcoming era. Mizu is grappling with considerable massive debt, besides the responsibility of supporting her brother, who suffers from "8th grade syndrome". Alongside pursuing her studies, she is juggling a part-time job as well.

On a bright day, Mizu, also known as Yura Byeong, is distributing leaflets. A bead of perspiration trickled down from her brow, landing on her chin. A pleasant fragrance, with hints of sweetness, sourness, tanginess, or even reminiscent of onions, could be detected in the atmosphere. Her complexion resembled that of a ripe tomato. As she distributed promotional leaflets for her employer's eatery, a grin lightened up her face. Then, she retrieved a discolored handkerchief from her worn-out trousers pocket.

Yura approaches an individual who appears to be familiar for an unknown reason. He had on a lengthy shirt in a brown hue matched with black leggings. Yura experienced a great sense of familiarity for an unknown cause, to the extent that...

"N-north korea?-"


He casts his gaze towards her. She had on a green top that was paired with red trousers, which appeared worn out and distressed, giving the impression of leaves and tree trunks. Her attire includes eyeglasses that are thicker than usual, a headband resembling a candy cane, and an apron with a reindeer print. He had an inexplicable sensation of encountering her every year without exception.

"Christmas tree?"

Yura finds the situation amusing, although she is unsure whether to express humor or tears. She averts her gaze and attempts to conceal her giggles as she uneasily hands him a pamphlet.

"Would you like a pamphlet?"

Daniel had the sensation that he was observing an accurate reflection of himself in the mirror. Although she bears a resemblance to him, she is a diminutive feminine incarnation of him. He experienced a feeling of ease and recognition.

Just as he was about to greet, an unexpected ring interrupted him. Without delay, the young lady gave a prompt response and swiftly made her way out.

Yura received an urgent phone call from her brother regarding an immediate crisis. He expressed his fear through a frantic shout while relaying the information to Yura over the phone. Yura was in a state of distress and hastily departed to provide her brother an assistance. Yura's lack of composure and clarity is a result of the anxiety conveyed in his tone.

Three years in the past, Yura was free from concerns related to her parents being present to take care of everything; her sole responsibility was to focus on her studies.

Yura sprints at the maximum speed she can achieve. As she ran, she struggled to catch her breath and was drenched in perspiration. She had a sickly complexion. There's a possibility that she was either overwhelmed by panic upon hearing her brother's voice or simply exhausted.

The distance between her home and workplace was considerable. Under normal circumstances, a person on a vehicle would require approximately an hour to commute from Yura's workplace to her residence. However, driven by adrenaline, Yura managed to cover the same distance on foot taking only about 20 to 30 minutes, including some shortcuts.

Yura rapidly burst open the door with a kick. Running has caused her feet to be in significant pain. With her disheveled and damp locks caused by perspiration, she resembles someone who has just completed a marathon race.

"Josh! What happened?! Is something bad happened?!"

Josh positioned his back against the wall and directed his attention towards Yura. He is crying profusely. His entire face, including his eyes, showed a reddish hue.

Yura would have remained composed under normal circumstances, however, due to her present awareness of the emergency situation, she is feeling infuriated.

"Why did you call me for this?!"

"Dear mortal slave, could you kindly aid me in fastening this ribbon around my arm? Although I understand you are currently occupied with work, it is imperative that you attend to this ribbon promptly. Failure to do so may result in the devastating leakage of my formidable power, unleashing a blue flame that will annihilate the entire galaxy and cost countless lives. Despite the greatness of my abilities, I implore you to recognize the urgency of the situation and take action now. Rest assured that this painful situation will affect us both, but your timely assistance can prevent a catastrophic outcome."

Yura experienced an unfamiliar sensation that had been absent since her last brawl in Gangdong. She had the impulse to choke somebody.

Yura's sibling appears to be taken aback. Yura fell to the ground in a collapse. Perhaps he was experiencing a hallucination, but it seemed as though he witnessed the departing spirit of his mortal slave from her physical vessel.

"Mortal slave! Don't you dare pass away while in the presence of your master."

A majestic, white-colored canine moves towards its owner after sensing her collapse. He gently rubs his cheeks against her hand, attempting to rouse her from sleep.

"Elizabeth the 4th, please refrain from disturbing my mortal slave who has just collapsed. This is not an appropriate time."

"Come on, wake up," he uttered while jostling her roughly.

Perhaps the mortal servant is in need of water at the moment, emphasizing the importance of hydration. Without wasting a moment, he hurries to the kitchen and pours ice-cold water into the container, then swiftly heads towards his sister.

Yura woke up abruptly and began trembling instantly.

"Do you want me to die?"

He drenched her in a bucket of freezing cold water, which was poured by her brother. The ground and the carpet adjacent to her, as well as herself, are damp. Crushed ice and liquid water are spread everywhere surrounding us. Who will be responsible for the cleaning task? Undoubtedly, it will be her.

"However, It did work didn't? You woke up"

Yura remained silent while gazing at her sibling. Yura's lethal gaze is being evaded by his brother. If he could profit from the Yura's deadly gaze, his wealth would be immense at present.

"Do not gaze at me, mere mortal servant! Your stare is causing my lethal ability to resurface once more!"


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