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"On more time with this? I guess for our last talk shall be now if anything."

"Chaos' main suspect? Well that wound ruin the fun now wouldn't it? I can't sadly tell you that but the prince of the shadows should honestly know who it is themself. The beacon of hope is near, I can sense them.'

"Huh? Why am I not telling you about Chaos' prime suspect? I can't sadly ruin your new view of the story now can I? Like I said, this is only the beginning. But much has changed from then. 6 years have flown by so quick from that day, the town has changed but not much. The main question is, Does Butters remember? Or has he forgotten like the many other times before?"


"Am I in a relationship? No, I'm not. I am more in a desolate area so people don't really know I possibly exists." The conductor said, walking in the snow.

"Kenny? I highly doubt he is,  He has a daughter. He's more into taken care of her since Chaos hasn't really caused trouble in the past 6 years. I don't even think Chaos knows about her at all, to him she doesn't exist. As for who he is going to use his plan on, I can not say. I shall not explain, as for now... It's time a talk to them."


The conductor remained silent as he approached a certain door.

"Your new adventure has arrived."

With that, the conductor knocked on the door to only be greeted by a little blonde girl as the door opened.

"Uhm.... Can I help you?" The girl asked.

"Yes, May I speak to your parents?"

".... Dad! Their is a stranger at the door!"

"What's going on sweety?" The conductor heard a male say before seeing a male soon standing behind the little girl.

"Kelly, go and play. The person is probably lost." The male said, Kelly nodded and dashed in to play.

"May I help you?"

"Yes you very much may, Mysterion..."

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