Chapter 14

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(Short chapter)

Morning time came once again for them all, as the new normal the three boys watched the news. The same as normal, a villian in the night and were dealt with by Mysterion, Human Kite and Toolshed.

Over the past hours after Sheila has recieved the call off of someone, she was always on her phone and calling people such as her husband or one of her friends. But she always seemed sad about it like it was no longer the same anymore.

Kenny felt like he knew who she was talking about and meaning to.
The fear kept grabbing him each time he saw her on the phone.

"Kenny? You okay dude?" Stan asked, snapping Kenny out of his thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah yeah I'm good." Kenny said, Kyle and Stan felt like something was wrong.

"How are you holding up, you know being 4 months pregnant and stuff?" Kyle asked, Kenny sighed.

"I'm doing alright, they're more active now then last month but I'm good." Kenny said before Sheila came into the room, Karen holding her hand.

"Kenny, their is something I need to tell you and your sister." Sheila said as she wade her way infront of the couch, kneeling onto the floor while Karen sat next to her big brother.

"What's up? Is there a problem?" Kenny asked, Sheila shook her head.

"No, its not that. It's that, they have found your mother and Kevin." Sheila said, Karen's eyes light up quickly.

"Can we go see them?" Karen asked, excitement hit her voice.
Sheila took within a deep breath before looking up at them.

"What about Dad?" Kenny asked.

"It may be beat if I show you." Sheila suggested, getting back onto her feet and walking over to the door.

"You boys can come to." She added, Kyle and Stan got up whole Kenny carried his sister to the door.

Soon, the quiet walk began. It was so quiet yet so peaceful.
Karen was buzzing to see her mother and brother again, Kenny kept his head down.

Kyle and Stan talked to one another about what it could be and where they were going, that was until they came across and stopped at the police station.

Karen remained confused as Sheila lead them inside the building, asking the front desk something and all of them headed into the office area.

"Ah Sheila! I'm terribly sorry you had to bring them." One of the police officers said.

"It's alright, they would had learned it the harder way if not." She said, the policeman nodded before leading them into what appeard to be a morgue and opened two of the Chambers and rolled out two lifeless bodies.

Karen's eyes teard up before she broke down onto Kennys chest, Kenny look within disbelief.

His mother looked to have been strangled to death while multiple stab wounds were all over her body, bruises showing she fought for her life.

As for Kevin, his throat was slit as well as a single stab to the head.

Both body's seamed to hva ea brown substance all over them.

"When we searched the house, we discovered he killed them in Kevin's roon and then buried them in the backyard to prevent anyone from finding out. The father has been charged for their murders." The policeman said, Kenny refused to speak another word as he just kept watching and looking at the bodies. Hoping one of them would move or even flinch.

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