Chapter 13

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Kenny sat on the couch, Karen sleeping beside him as she slept peacefully. Kenny looked down at his younger sibling, smiling before looking up at the other boys who were fan girling over what Mysterion said on the TV

"Bro to think he actually summoned help from other places." Kyle said, after spotting his mother walk into the living.

"I know, I feel sorry for the boy that got burned badly." Stan added on.

"Yes, hopefully that boy recovers and tells us what happened." Sheila explained.

"We can only hope that he still remembers, some fights cause people to black out and not have any memory about what has happened. I hope that Mom and Kevin are alright..." Kenny said, looking down at Karen before Sheila offered to put Karen in her own bed. Kenny nodded in reply, Sheila smiled as she picked Karen up in her arms and brought her up stairs.

Once making sure Sheila was up stairs and not in view.

"What now Kenny? What's next?" Stan whispered aloud, Kenny looked at the two.

"I need to know what happened to Mom and Kevin, not only that but Chaos doesn't seem to be living around here. That means he lives somewhere else." Kenny replied before the boys heard Sheila make her way back down the stairs.

"Do any of you boys want some lemonade?" Sheila asked, Kyle and Stan said yes while Kenny declined.

Before Sheila could make her way to the kitchen, the phone began to ring out.

Sheila picked the phone up.



"No, this is Sheila. Is their anything i can help you with?"


"Wait.... you found them??"


"I'll bring them tomorrow okay?"


"Thank you, have a lovely day."

Sheila placed the phone back down before walking into the kitchen, the three boys left only confused.

"Who do you think they found?" Kyle asked, Kenny just kept looking at the phone as if ve already knew.





The coon glared down at the city infront of him, the night time stars shined brightly as the clouds drifted past the moon countless times.

"I know your out there mysterion, you thunk your soo clever yeah? You won't be for long, I've still got an ace up my sleeve and trust me it ain't no joker that has been the last times we have faced one another. Just you wait, my dear city. I will be the only hero to save you from now on. I just need to remove that wanna be and you'll be free from him. I have a plan, one that will get him and prevent his new buddy's from stopping me. Chaos doesn't wanna help me, I'll just destroy you myself." The Coon stuttered to himself, rethinking his plan to himself before hearing a high pitch scream echo throughout the city.

The coon didn't waste time and began running and making his way to the site where the scream came from, but atlas his anger just grew more when he spotted mysterion already there and already sorted the situation.

The coon kept low and looked around at his surroundings. Chaos' minions all taken care of while Mysterion helped down a certain male and free him from his ropes. The boy seemed to have been placed over a massive hole that no one could properly see the bottom of.

"You okay sir?" He heard msyterion ask, the boy nodded.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I didn't expect to be ambushed just for picking something up. Is this the new normal now? I don't live around here anymore." The boy questioned, mysterion sadly nodded.

"Sadly it is, if its alright to ask. What did you pick up that made them go after you?" Mysterion asked, the boy didn't hesitate to show the hero.

The coon could not see it, but from what he saw it seemed to have grabbed the heros attention.

"It looks nice but I don't think I will ever use it." The boy said, the hero nodded.

"You can keep it like a surveyor of it." Mysterion suggested before the boy handed it over to him.

"Nah, knowing me it will just be lying around like its ready for the dumps. You keep it, you seemed interested in it." The boy offered, mysterion thanked him before offering to take the boy back home. The boy happily declined before saying his goodbyes to the hero.

Mysterion looked confused fir a moment or two before looking around at his surroundings, the coon kept an eye above him.

"Mysterion? Come in Mysterion!" The coon heard, soon noticing mysterion grabbing a walkie-talkie from his belt.

"What's up?"

"You need to make your way over here now, me and Toolshed have discovered something."

"On my way kite."

Mysterion placed his walkie-talkie back on his belt before stuttering a few words and vanishing from the scene, the coon took this chance to look closer at the scene.

Looking around, he saw more clearer about what happened.

The goons were beaten and everything seemed fine.

The coon just laughed in reply.

"I see what Chaos has done, This was a setup. And mysterion took the bait."

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