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"Oh? You must all really like to finally get answers to your questions? Well, can say I'm surprised by this. Guess you can call this much a secret after the story ends. Its like a way to finally get answers on what happened." The person said looking at a map on their wall.

"So what now? What's your next question you have for me?...."

"Huh? Who am I?.... Well, that's is sure a good mystery for you guys huh? I guess since I am telling you about things. I should formally introduce myself.... You may happily call me the conductor." The conductor happily said.

"I know it's a boring name but it shall do for now and will be the main thing before you know my actual name. That will be for another time. However I do know that's not the only reason why you are here? Come on, ask." The conductor asked.

"The pendants, oh that's a tale. Them Pendants are given to those who are truly worthy of it, its supposed to be connected via blood. Naturally a blood sacrifice is needed for them to work. However with Kenny being immortal I get him but the others its questionable. But let me begin from the very beginning to when they were first created." The conductor said as he grabbed his journal.

"The pendants were created on a island, far far from the baked Eye, called Zarnoth. The planet was known to be peaceful but war was the most dangerous thing Zarnoth would ever face everytime. It left the world damaged badly... And thus the ruler of Zarnoth asked a witch, strictly forbidden to live, and a blacksmith to create the Pendants. The ruler demanded each one to be different, far different so they could be used to make a great team. With that, the pendants were created and Zarnoth was hardly attacked again. It was at peace... For a amount of time, the pendants were given to the most reliable the ruler thought... But one was not even trusted and yet they got one. And with that, they uses their pendants to steal the other pendants and thus escaped with them. Zarnoth became nothing more than just a abandoned land that no one dares to step foot on. What happened to the pendants you ask? Simple, the theif got shot dead and the snow slowly began to cover them. Then, Kenny discovered the one he would use after one fight with his father and he walked around. The next day he returned to have another look and found other ones but not all of them like once before. Someone had already found them." The conductor said, shutting his journal and placing it back down.

"Now it's time to say goodbye again, till we meet again."

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