Chapter 62

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The training room. A big room. Covered head to toe in mahogany wood and cushioned on the ground with thin matching rugs, maybe a shade lighter. The colors were simple and boring. Calming, but the padding everywhere made it seem more like a training area. Nothing special about the place that caught your eye. Originally it wasn't a training room, til it was. That's of course what the sidekicks had mentioned on your way there. Scandium stood in front, seeming to be in a rush to get there. The sidekicks were laid back, walking side by side next to me. It was more comforting as they also made small talk towards me. I didn't really have many replies, "oh wow" and "really?" was thrown out a-lot in the conversation. I spoke in an unsure kinda manner. To them, I probably just seemed really nervous about this whole "training with a hero" bit.

The sidekicks that walked with me stopped at the doors of the training room, surrounding their boss. There was maybe about five of them. Yeah, five of them if you counted. They seemed pumped and were ready to assist the hero they work for with the training. Also ready to give some help to the future hero who's in training, a.k.a yourself.

"I can handle this. What we need right now is more lookouts in the Hosu for the Hero Killer. That's the last location he was seen. The faster you go, the more time we'll have before he can move cities. That's more important right now."

"Yes, sir!" The team saluted, pacing out from the room.

That leaves just me and Scandium...unless you want to count the fake punching dummy as a person. Name suggestions anyone?

"What the fuck!" An attack of fast-paced sluggish metal came towards me.

(*Present Mic voice activated* What you should know!)
Quirk: Scandium
Hero name: It's also called Scandium!
Description: This hero started on the bottom! Helping repair buildings that would cost thousands with his Quirk!! The metal from his Quirk is a great alternative to concrete ya dig.
Weakness: Acid Quirk are a bad match up to Scandium's Quirk. All those except for hydrofluoric acid!

"That a scar on your arm? Where'd you get that?" The hero had a tone of annoyance. The metal that came toward you was due to his Quirk if you already guessed it. It was crawling up your legs, hardening into this rocky texture. It was like a mini mountain just formed around your legs. Weird.

"I had it before." I answered.

It was a good thing that I checked my Quirk before I headed out with my hero costume on. Yellow eyes. That meant super strength in the arms and I could take away senses such as hearing and seeing, and even vocals.

Quirk: super strength in arms and deaf-mute-blind!
Eye color: Yellow
Description: the user had super strength in their arms and whenever they touch their opponent they can make them blind, deaf, or mute!
Disadvantage: if they use their deaf-mute-blind quirk for too long they could lose one of their senses that their opponent has lost!

Out of anger and confusion, I threw my fist down on my leg. My Quirk had then activated, leaving dents in the metal material trapped onto my legs.

He walked up to me in a marching pace. I felt a tiny itch of fear. He's a hero, right? I wouldn't be in too much danger. Right??

"Since how long?" Scandium questioned with little to no pity in his voice.

"Ah, got it back in middle school. A good ol' trip and fall," I sweat-dropped. Shit...if he finds out-

The rocky texture surrounding my leg grew. Surprising me as I was pushed up in the air and thrown to the other side of the training room. My wrists took most of the fall as I used my super strength part of my Quirk to hold my fall. Currently I was in handstand position, freaking the fuck out.

"There are better excuses to come up with. Unless you're that good with makeup...then tell me why it wasn't there in the Sports Festival." The hero takes one step forward and bends his knees just a-little bit. His Quirk was once again shown to me. It came towards me almost like a fast rainbow, except it was a sheet of metal. I jumped up, trying to react fast, throwing myself over it, hands first. I put my hands over it. Only so I could get a grip before jumping over it completely. Yet, that only result in the metal growing on my hands while I wasn't paying attention. Attaching to my hands like a glue stick and some googely eyes.

I let out a panicky scream, being almost 10 ft in the air, stuck. As I was stuck in handstand form, my legs started to kick back and I fell right onto my ass. My wrist were sore from being bent back in such a wild position and the metal was no cushion to my fall either.

"Oh damn, well I must be talking about some other scar haha." I said all panicky, trying to distract the feeling of my wrists ready to split in half.

The metal lowered and released my wrists, completely disappearing into complete nothingness. I made it to the ground beneath me. Immediately, I threw myself up on my feet. I prepared for the next attack. Nothing...

"Quit being a dumbass and I won't have to put you in a hospital before sending you off to prison," The hero, Scandium, stared down at me menacingly. I stood in place, in a position that was still on edge and ready to fight at any moment.

"How heroic of you," My eyes glinted with anger and venom.

"That gang you're in-"

I cut him off short.

"What? You have proof?"

To what some people might consider this an attitude, I was frustrated. Heroes like this didn't wasn't just some lowlife gang...okay, maybe it was, but I didn't have a say in coming into it. That damn Sakuya brought me into it and I went along with it. Low-key only because I was drunk seventy percent of the time. Isn't that embarrassing? The other thirty percent was talking with my adoptive parents, seeing what I could do to get money, and talking about shit that's happened throughout the day. Basic shit that was important to me.

"I have more than enough proof," he fires at me.

"Oh yeah because you're the hero. Whatever you say goes, right?" I laughed in his face, from a far away distance of course. His Quirk was not to be messed with.

"Doesn't look like you're being held up there against your will with the way you talk."

This was all too bad. You were getting on this hero's bad side. No already were. Since the beginning. You were screwing this up and digging yourself into a deeper ditch. They didn't like you. You were the bad person. In this situation you were. You wanted to be a hero. We were supposed to be training or, I don't know, going out on patrols. Stuff that was exciting for the newest hero in training. Meanwhile you were just getting threatened and became the newest joke for this hero.

"You think I'm doing it for fun?"

That hero's taunting was getting to me. Slowly. By the end of this I'd probably be fuming. Maybe they wanted that. When you get angry, this is directed to anyone really, you start to spew the truth just to shut the other person up.

"So you're admitting yourself?"

Is what the hero thought.

"I'm just here to prove a point."

The hero placed another attack. Aimed right at me after I spoke the truth. I quickly defended myself. It was easy to defend this time and I was able to avoid it.

He didn't try to come at me again.

The hero stopped, completely, excusing themselves.

What the...?

Who is still reading this? I feel like I should discontinue this because no one really reads it :( I hope whoever is reading right now enjoys!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 05 ⏰

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The All Seer // Bnha X Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon