Chapter 46

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I thought about stealing the headband from Izu's team for a split second. For that split second I had also once again swung my head over and stared at the four. They were struggling. Izuku, Uraraka, Tokoyami, and that pink haired girl with the crazy look in her eyes. They were struggling this entire time. I couldn't do that to them. It was expected. Todoroki had them cornered. If I did even try, it would be a failed attempt. The only thing I could do was try to use my Quirk to scram away and I'd also have to rely on my teammates to keep up with me while making that happen. I had to focus on myself and my team. We had to look out for other teams with a headband. Part of me couldn't help but feel distracted though. I wanted to do something about it. I was worried too. Worried that...maybe they wouldn't get a spot.

" that your buddy over there...?" Hitoshi mumbled.

Wasn't too sure what he meant by that, all I knew was that he was right and I had to focus on my own self and even my team. Hitoshi was counting on me. Even the two others that stand beside me, brainwashed, are counting on me. I had to sort this out for them. But!! I wasn't gonna run up on my friend like that...especially since their team was currently getting jumped by Todoroki's team. It consisted of Todoroki, Yao-momo, Iida, and Kaminari. It was only good I did have this Quirk. I was able to move fast enough without knocking the others down to avoid the electricity of Kaminari's attack. Saved us a lot of time and pain.


"Fuck we don't have no points..." I whispered, my voice shook, I felt angered but desperate.


Present Mic screamed into the mic. The rest was a blur. All I knew was the both of us didn't have points. For me, it was the end of the world, or so I was treating it like that.

"I want you to keep running," I slightly picked my head up almost toppling over the two who started to run. I was surprised, but kept going. I was gonna trust him. He must've had a plan and I didn't. I couldn't just rely on myself and think everything was settled. I had to give up that independent part of myself so we could win this. I had no other choice. Even with the small minute left we had to keep going. We could go down losing or we could go down fighting until the last second.

I silently did what he said and without a word we ran around the arena once more.

"You sure-?"

"Go more to the right."

The lavender haired boy cut me off quick and we all moved to the right. At the point, I kept my head down and controlled my Quirk using it as fast I could. Controlling it also enough so we wouldn't trip and fall and then we'd all be eliminated.

"What the...?" A voice beside me spoke that sounded close to Ojiro's voice spoke, as we collided with a team.


Come on Hitoshi you can do this...

"Take their headband!" I desperately shouted.


"It's not that easy idiot!"


"Well just do it!"


"What's going on here?"







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