Chapter 28

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2 weeks

You had exactly 2 weeks to train.

School was canceled the next day due to the villain attack.

I was headed back to my house. Izuku accompanied me on the way back home. We were both out the nurse's office finally. I had left earlier then expected.

When I headed back to class before I couldn't even make it to my seat I was bombarded with friends coming up to me asking how I was or glad I was doing better.

I probably looked a mess.

You were back in your uniform again when you got back to class. Your socks that went up to your thighs hid any bandages the nurse had wrapped around your calve.

Someone had grabbed at your hand and you looked over, to only spot nothing but a sleeve near your hand.

"Nice going (Y/n)," the invisible girl sheepishly said. You didn't really know where to look since there wasn't really...a face to look at. "I'm glad you're okay. I saw you and Todoroki bickering back at the landslide zone. I hope everything is okay."

Ah...she was there I could've totally burned her by accident I didn't know...


Soon after, Izuku came from the nurse's office at the end of the day.

That left you to where you were currently.

"Hm, you want to stop at a place for hmmmm soba," I grinned tiredly.

I rested my head gently on the boys shoulder as we walked. We were at a slow enough pace where my head wouldn't go bouncing everywhere. I guess we were both tired. I mean he did break both his legs.

"Mom's gonna have dinner ready soon. We should just head there," he tiredly smiled back, quietly tittering.
(Tittering means to laugh in a nervous way.)

Inko was a good mother figure in your life, but she wasn't your mom. The freckled boy just had a tendency to call her mom around you. The boy didn't dare call her by her first name, but talking with others he would simply say "my mom" never just "mom". That was something just between you and him. Growing up together it was just sort of a habit to do.

Wellll, I guess it was getting a little on the late side for ordinary people.

The sun was slowly coming to a fall. It was almost peaceful. We walked down the streets hearing only the trees brush up against each other.

With a quick shut to the door. Our journey home came to an end.

I ended up at his house like usual, whether it be to hang or for some dinner. Inko never minded either, she'd only encourage you to come as much as you'd like. Always making extra or having some type of leftovers for you.

I plopped my shoes to the ground when entering and Izuku did the same. Clicking the light on, it was only now that I realized and Izuku must've realized too that it was odd for the lights to be off.

Staying quiet, we realized Inko must've been out, still at work perhaps or even at the store.

I let out a loud sigh.

The All Seer // Bnha X Reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя