Chapter 34

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Finally the next day had arrived and we had school again. That one day break wasn't enough and I still felt drowsy. I had made it to the train station and then to the school, Izuku by my side since we live close by. Both of us exchange a few words to each other before entering the classroom. Greeted by a few students, we both do the same thing, smiling and letting a small wave go. Most of the students were having a conversation about the news and how some of us made it on the news. Me nor Izuku weren't on it due to our injuries, not that I'm complaining. I didn't need that fame. I looked toward the back making small eye contact with Todoroki before looking down. He had texted me last night, but I had not answered. Me and Izuku both joined up near Uraraka, about to start a conversation. Iida had disappeared and we quickly figured out where he was, just as we were about to hold a conversation.



"We're sitting you're the only one standing," some students mocked at the boy.

He stood at the front of the classroom and gasped, as he was ashamed of himself and made it to his desk. Well...about to make it to his desk.

I grabbed at Izuku's blazer and we ran towards our desks, I wouldn't want to deal with Iida's rant on how we should be in our desk and how it's shameful that we haven't sat our asses down yet.

As quiet as possible, I shove the greenette in the seat that's his and I make my way to the desk that belongs to me.


He gasped and some students sweat dropped as I flipped him off.

"I'll do what I want!"

I groaned, actually sitting down now. A few students discussed who was gonna be the new homeroom teacher, but not even seconds later the teacher had came through the door. Covered almost head to toe in bandages, from what we could see.


Mr. Aizawa greeted lazily, making his way to the stand at the front of the classroom.

"YOU'RE BACK ALREADY, AIZAWA SENSEI?!!" Half the class yelled, making me plug my ears.

The only thing I heard after that was the teacher speak up, mentioning that the Sports Festival. I started to listen again. A few classmates had spoke up, saying some things, but just comments, nothing too important.

"The Sports Festival!" they all exclaimed, I tiredly tap my fingers on the desk in sync.

"That's a super normal school event-"the red headed boy proudly cheered before getting interrupted by his friend near by.

"Wait a minute!"

"Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?"

Who's gonna agree with that...?

A few other students agreed.

"It's necessary. Apparently, they think of it as U.A. showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains."

The teacher gave them an answer.


"But that's a good reason, isn't it? It's just a festival of sports," the weirdo in the back said.

"Mineta, you've never seen the U.A. Sports Festival?" Izuku piped up, leaning back in his chair. I leaned my head on the desk, side eyeing them.

"Of course I have. That's not what I meant!"

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