Does this mean, Nezu is planning to overthrow the HPSC? Whats really the case? The situation.

"As you can probably concluded, indeed, you are used to arrest an innocent person before. HPSC twisted the law you wanted to fairly execute for their own benefits," Nezu said and smile to him.

"Wh-why are you saying this to me?" Tsukauchi ask as he stutter just looking to Nezu. He felt like he wad about to make a deal with the devil.

"I simply wanted your help... I wanted you to interrogate someone tomorrow. As I will invite someone in UA to do that interrogation," Nezu said and smile. Tsukauchi look to him suspiciously.

"Nezu-sama... You can't simply arrest someone without an evidence. This would become an illegal detention. You could have been arrested," Tsukauchi said. Clearly wanted to dissuade Nezu to what he was planning.

"And besides, what would be the case then? Is there some legitimacy for me to actually arrest someone? why do you want had to go to this extent? Tsuakuchi added. He was worried to what Nezu wanted to do.

But Nezu is just as calm as he is.

This would actually in boarderline of rebellion too. And besides, Tsukauchi still can't control his emotion at the moment. He had made someone suffered because he arrest an innocent person.

He vowed to be honest and reliable to his work. But now, he doesn't dare to claim he did. He made a mistake and this stack of evidence just became a stain in his heart.

"Detective-san... Let me tell you this. The actual laws can’t fully be trusted to operate a fair justice as it’s biased on what quirk a guilty part had and the role the victim had on the society. Just looking at the Quirk Descrimination Law, it allows a minor to be put in prison at young age. It wasn't entirely fair and unbiased to the reject people of the society. Like how the Quirkless Protection Law is now being buried deep as people without quirk wasn't given a right justice in the first place," Nezu explain calmly. It struck Tsukauchi very hard.

Just the case in front of him is the example of what Nezu said. He can't help but to feel guilty. In the case he holds as he finishes the conclusion, Nagant killed the previous HPSC President because she was sick and tired of becoming a part of HPSC's people. Her motive is to end her suffering and contract as it would only be valid if the president is still alive.

The case happens during a ceremony, in the middle of the black out, Nagant went to the President's office and killed him. A bullet from Nagant's quirk was shot in the president's head. She was immediately apprehended and confessed everything in the middle of her melt down. So she was concluded as the murderer.

But the folder and the USB concluded a different scenario than the investigation's final conclusion.

Indeed, he murder happened during some ceremony. Nagant was commissioned to assassinate the president  by framing him for high betrayal so she would think of a heroic act. The video that Nezu made him watch could prove it. Its just that, the culprit's face wasn't seen in the video so he doesn't know who it was who order the assassination.

In order to kill the president, the real culprit used the high technology of the place to set a trap made to shoot a pistol via a remote control to a spotlight. Then a black-out happened at the moment of the assassination and at the exact same time Nagant shot him, the culprit pressed the remote control, activating the trap and shooting the victim.

After that, with the desire of Nagant to kill the president and the timing, Nagant believes she killed the president. And confess in her melt down. But now it makes all sense. There are two bullets in the crime scene but Nagant only told them that she shot once. A colleague made Nagant confess that she shot twice.

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