I looked at the strapless green dress with shining gems adorning its bodice. I laughed out loud at the irony. The shade of green was the same as Ethan's eyes. I am sure he did it on purpose. I knew him, he never leave anything to coincidence.

My injured hand was already healed with a scar marring the centre of my palm. I still wore the cast around my other arm. The doctor who checked on me said I needed to put him for another ten days.

The redhead stylist clasped a white cape made of fur over my bare shoulders. "It is cold outside." She explained with a smile.

I couldn't bring myself to reciprocate her politeness and looked again at my face. It was amazing how layers of makeup can hide days of sadness and sleepless nights.

A knock on the door brought me out of admiring my flawless face, and I grimaced as the housekeeper announced in her thick accent. "The car is waiting for you."

I started moving on my wobbly legs to the door, but then the same redhead assistant grabbed my arm and helped me walk down the stairs.

"Thank you," my words were heart left as I opened the limousine's door and got inside.

"You look beautiful," I nearly jumped out of my skin when Ethan spoke next to me.

"If this is the way you chose to kill me, then you are almost there. Just try it two more times, and  I will be six feet underground." I said while clutching my racing heart.

Ethan ignored my words and kept his focus on the phone. I looked away and opened the window. I was in serious need of some fresh air.

I don't know why I felt so suffocated. Ethan's scent was grating on my nerves. I felt a strong desire to hug him and feel his warmth. Better yet, I wanted him to kiss me passionately and give me his love.

What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I acting so strange? From where this idea came?

"I thought you weren't coming to escort me." I cringed at my whiny voice and even Ethan shot me a questioning look. For a moment, he appeared as if he will ignore my question again, which brought tears to my eyes.

But at last, he put his phone inside his jacket pocket and said. "I would never humiliate you this way."

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"This party is not a small dinner between families. It is held for both my and Mom's recovery. Every crime boss and family are there. Press and journalists from all around the world are present. How do you think you would have looked exiting the car all alone? I would not leave you alone facing their questions." He clarified with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckled and clapped my hands. "Wow! You made an impressive speech. But I can look through your lies, Ethan. You did this for one reason only." I moved closer to him and whispered into his ear. "Your image."

Ethan didn't deny it and shrugged. "You can understand it like you want. Just keep in mind that my image is yours."

"Here," Ethan threw me a black velvet box. "Wear it."

I opened it and gasped at the gorgeous ring inside. It was a simple heart-shaped diamond ring with small Emerald stones on its sides.

I didn't ask any questions and just put it on my ring finger. I didn't want to hear any words that will hurt me more than I already was.

I admired how it looked on my finger. It was truly elegant and magnificent. Ethan proved he had an aristocratic taste when it came to choosing jewellery.

If only I got it under different circumstances. Even the most beautiful things would hold no significance when they are done without the right emotional meaning behind them.

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