'What's wrong with you?'

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Kim Dokja's POV 

Lee Seolhwa.. girlfriend..

He sighs and glances at Joonghyuk.

Why do I even care?!

Turning his head, he avoids Joonghyuk's gaze. This makes Joonghyuk slightly irritated by the change of his behavior. 

"What's your problem? You've started acting like this after we left the house." His eyes focused on Dokja's expression. Tightly locking his gaze on his. This made Dokja's eyes look further away while he whispered. 

"I just found something annoying. You don't have to worry."

"Who said I'm worried?" Joonghyuk looked back at the window and scoffed.

"Ugh, shut up then." Dokja moved away slightly.

Their original plan was to take the bus, however, it was too late to walk to the station. They took the car instead having their driver bring them to school. Seolhwa's visit delayed their leave making them change their plans.

Without exchanging more words yet again, they arrived at school. 

The two walked out and headed to their building. Dokja took another route and left Joonghyuk.

"HEY." Joonghyuk was about to grab his shoulder but he hesitated. Without turning back, Dokja sped up and disappeared.

This is so childish.

What am I doing?

One of his eyes began to pile with water. Quickly wiping it, someone tapped his shoulder.


"What now?!" He slapped the hand.

"Ah- Sorry.."


"Are you alright?" She quickly pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket.  "Use this first."

I really am being childish.

"I-it's nothing. Don't worry. I have my own.." He pushed her hand back gently before taking something from his pocket. Wiping his eye gently, he formed a smile. "Better return to your class already, I'll head to mine." He passed her.

Something grabbed his shoulder again, with a little more force, but a hint of gentleness. Turning back, his teary gaze met hers. Unlike his, hers had hope. She smiled.

"If you need someone to talk to, you can tell me. If that's alright with you." She smiles and lets go of his shoulder. "See ya then!" 

Staring at the girl who walked away, he felt his heart sink. An unusual feeling shook him. 

He walked to his classroom right on time. The advisor already on her desk, carefully yet loudly fixing papers. She slammed it down on the desk as soon as he took his seat. A smirk formed on her face as she looked down at the students. 

Every one of them either confused or didn't care, Dokja was one of them. He couldn't glance back to look at Joonghyuk's expression since it would've been weird. Even entering the classroom was difficult as he thought what Joonghyuk might say or think. Unable to catch a glance of his expression, this worried him more.

"College.. Planning..!" She walked to the front seats and began distributing the papers. "Pass behind and make sure to fill the entire thing before the end of next week. I'll review each one of them before the face-to-face discussion. We'll all have a one-on-one talk by then so please take the weekend to think it through carefully."

College Planning? How long has it been? I didn't even realize myself that it's already this time of highschool. Where am I even going to- wait. No. What about Joonghyuk? Where is he going to go?

Just a Seat Away -- A JoongDok Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now