'Stay with me'

566 22 48

Kim Dokja's POV

I look into Joonghyuk's eyes waiting for a response. A small speck of light flickers in his eyes and I catch my body tingling.

"Oh, why?" I try tilting my head like those girls when they ask a handsome guy a question.


My head goes back in place as I shift my eyes elsewhere. The tingling feeling gets a lot more obvious as my thoughts start to threaten me from that weird idea from earlier.

"Come." Joonghyuk grabs my wrist while pulling me down the hall. I turned back to see one of the teachers doing an ok sign.

Ma'am please help..!

"Alright, alright! No need to grab my wrist like that, Joonghyuk-" I pull away from this tight grip.

"Just follow me." He didn't bat an eye after I released myself.

Following Joonghyuk, we walk down the stairs and exit the school grounds.

"Where are we going?"

He turned back with cold eyes.

"You'll see."

What is his problem now?


"We're here." I look at the slide and the swings, the benches and the bushes, and then I look at him.

"Why the park?" Walking closer to him, I couldn't understand his reasoning for bringing me here. Joonghyuk might've wanted to talk alone, but a park..?

I didn't question further as I followed him. He sat on a bench so I sat as well. For a few minutes, none of us exchanged a sentence.

I didn't wanna start the conversation. He brought me here. Why doesn't he do it? So I just waited.

"Where were you?"

Finally! He spoke!

"What do you mean? After class?"

"Yeah, where?"

"The library. Why are you asking?"

It was odd. I thought he was going to ask something more personal or what. At least that was what his expression looked like when we were walking back to the classroom.

"Just because."

I turned to look at him. I could feel my mouth parting as I stared at him in confusion.

"Just... because? What kind of answer is that?!" I stood up and turned to him. I had so many thoughts running in my head and all he says is 'just because'?! "Why did you even drag me here if that's what you were gonna ask? You coulda asked it earlier???" My bag drops.

As I try to pick it up, Joonghyuk gets it and puts it gently on the bench. His head hits my chin.

"I have more to say.. just sit."

The tone in his voice felt colder. I could feel the air surrounding me more seriously. Then I remembered we were at the park. A few passersby steal a few glances in our direction. I just sat down rolling my eyes at him.

Who cares anyway? If he gets to drag me out here and talk in such a tone, why can't I?

Even now I'm confused with my own behavior. I took a deep breath while Joonghyuk still wasn't speaking and cleared out any negative thoughts.

Perhaps I'm still a little frustrated at myself for sleeping in the library.. I wonder if the two are still there..

"Remember when.." I finally hear Joonghyuk uttering some words. But then something interrupts our conversation.

Just a Seat Away -- A JoongDok Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now