'Kim Dokja'

744 31 75

Joonghyuk's POV

Last night ended with Dokja falling asleep soundly on the couch as Joonghyuk laid his head on his shoulder. Two hours later, he woke up to see that the electricity came back. It was still raining, but it was calmer than earlier. Thunder was absent and the only thing left was the soft droplets hitting the roof as Kim Dokja rested peacefully on the sofa.

Joonghyuk watched as the man took a few breaths in his sleep, listening to his quiet snores and murmurs in between. A grin crossed his face as he fixed Dokja's position on the couch. Instead of carrying the heavy man back to bed, he laid beside him and inserted into the limited space they had.

Quickly falling asleep and slipping into another world.


6 am


He pauses. Feeling something hard on his face, he realizes his situation. Only then he noticed he shifted positions in his sleep.


He looks up and sees the sleeping Dokja's face.

He's still asleep.

Kim Dokja's breath tickles his forehead as his hair moves slightly. Joonghyuk tries to move slowly and carefully not to wake him.


Kim Dokja groaned as he moved to the side.

Joonghyuk immediately shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Snoring softly while his body relaxed on top of Dokja's. As Dokja turned, he fell on the floor.

Quick. Act..!

"Ugh, what the hell?" His eyes opened slowly as his brows furrowed. He landed roughly on the floor as he stared at Dokja on the couch.

"Sorry, you were on top of me..." Dokja sat up. Rubbing his head with his messed hair.

Joonghyuk smirked for a moment and instantly switched to his default expression.

"Nevermind." He stood up and walked towards the bathroom, leaving Dokja alone in the living room. His chest felt like it was exploding as he splashed water on his face. The cold droplets ran down as he looked at the mirror with his eyes wide. They seemed more awake than he was.

After doing a short washup..

Wiping his face, he took a deep breath and walked out. More composed and relaxed.

He took a glance at Dokja's room. The door was shut and he could hear soft screams from inside.


He walked towards the kitchen and unpacked some groceries he picked up before they arrived at Dokja's house. Taking out the packed vegetables and ham, he unwrapped them and washed them in the sink. He chopped the cabbage and cooked two thin slices of ham.


The sound of a door was creaking, he turned back to see Dokja walking towards the bathroom quietly. A soft chuckle escaped his mouth.

It wasn't how Joonghyuk would normally react.

His expressions were often just for display. So none of his classmates or friends would find him odd for not smiling a lot. He always practices a few smiles and reactions in the mirror before he leaves his house. They weren't too big, and he almost didn't care about doing it.

But this time it was different.

Yoo Joonghyuk's smile was genuine.


Just a Seat Away -- A JoongDok Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now