'Do you like me?'

334 13 63

Kim Dokja's POV

"Good evening Young Masters." The maids and butlers bow as they welcome Dokja and Joonghyuk.

 Right at the entrance has a row of red petals. Dokja's eyes widened but Joonghyuk seemed unfazed. 

"Is there a special event?" Dokja glances at Joonghyuk, his voice still hoarse after the nap he took. His eyes wander around the house as he enters. It was confusing, looking at the decorations.

"My mother prepared it. But she's out at the moment and won't be arriving any time soon."

"Ah.. Auntie did..?" Taking a quick step away from the delicate petals, Dokja starts to be more careful.

"They're for you..." He heard Joonghyuk's soft voice.


Joonghyuk looked away.

"It's a joke."

Why's he even joking at a time like this??

He walked to his room with a frown on his face. From his room, a couple of the servants' voices were heard from out his door. He quickly pressed his ear onto the door and listened in.

"Do you think it's for Ms. Lee? Since she'll visit again in 4 days?"

Oh yeah.

"But the decorations seem way too.. flashy. You get what I mean? And isn't it too much for the ex of the Young Master? After all, they broke up a year ago."

"You think so? I heard from on of the butlers that they broke up because she had to go abroad but they still contact each other a lot."

"Really? I don't think Young Master would be like that!"

"Me too... But who knows. Maybe it's for the Young Master's guest... The mistress has always seemed to favor him eversince he started living in the guest room."

"Maybe, maybe not..."

Their voices faded and Dokja couldn't help but sink into thought. He walked to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. Murmuring a few things to himself.

Joonghyuk said Seolhwa and her aren't together anymore... but what if he's lying?

Who am I even to care? If he likes her too then go.

But he also said... ugh I don't even want to think about this.

And why would Mrs. Yoo favor me? I mean, I know I'm a guest and she's treating me well but still..

Plus... I'll leave in a few days.

Water splashes on his face. The mirror reflects him still seeming sleepy.

Knock knock

"Kim Dokja."


"What?" His voice cracks. 

Damn it all.

"Come out."

"Why?" He pats his face dry and walks to the door. Instead of opening it, he waits for Joonghyuk to respond.

"Just come out."

"What if.. no." He snickers to himself quietly, making sure to lock the door in case Joonghyuk would barge in.

What does he want?

"I'll enter." The knob clicks. Dokja immediately holds the knob closed and pushes against the door. 

Just a Seat Away -- A JoongDok Fanfic (AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu