'It wasn't locked'

468 20 56

Kim Dokja's POV

Upon entering the classroom, the one head stood out staring out the window. The rest of the students entered the class. Chattering as they reach their seats. Our advisor arrives with a clipboard again.

"It's that time of the semester!" She slammed the clipboard on the table revealing a set of names and numbers.

All the students gather and rush to the front, but I remain on my seat. Just staring at the crowd from behind. 

Joonghyuk was just seated unlike the rest of the students. He stared down at the blank pages of his notebook. It was expected, he'd be like that. He's often like that. 

But for some reason I'm disappointed.

I want to know what he thinks.

I want to know what he's feeling right now.

"Seat change." A smile crosses the advisor's face as she takes out a box of small rectange-shaped papers. Few begin to take out their picks while I wait in my seat for my turn. The advisor approaches each of us and hand out the paper.


Such a big number.. Our class is only half of it. Why 49?

"Oh sorry, that's supposed to be 19. I drew a line on accident." 


She flashed an image on the screen with all the assigned numbers to each seat. I sat nearest to the window in the third row. Some began sitting beside me. 

"Dokja, right?" One of the guys smiled as he sat in front. All I could do was nod. Tension formed between us and he faced forward. 

Beside me was a girl. She didn't even bat an eye. She sat down quietly and took out her stuff. 

Then behind me was the figure I didn't expect.

"Kim Dokja." 

Ah, Joonghyuk.

"Hi." I tried to smile. He looked serious. The way his eyebrows curved downwards made conversing difficult. I just took it as a 'mind your own business' look so I focused on the advisor.

Joonghyuk sitting behind me was either a blessing or a curse. I did hope to sit closer to him since he's the only person I ever talk to in class, however he's sitting right behind me. I can't watch him from behind anymore. 

Ugh what am I thinking!?

In an attempt to focus in class, I scribbled a few things on my notebook while listening.

But my attention stayed on the fact he was behind me.

I pushed the thoughts away and found myself drawing a small character on the page. His hair nearly covering on of his eyes made him look similar to a certain person. His eyes were sharp, like it could pierce anything that it had eye contact with. His body was small but his expression was grumpy.

Then something tapped my shoulder.

"Ahh-" I turned behind to see Joonghyuk with an eraser. 

"You dropped it." He threw it gently and it landed on my table. "Focus on class instead of drawing nonsense."

Now that was rude.

Before I could say something in reply, I noticed Joonghyuk's face.

His hair, his eyes, his expression.. AHA!

The small character I drew looks just like him!

"And what notes have you been taking, Mr. Kim?" To my side, was a nightmare..

Just a Seat Away -- A JoongDok Fanfic (AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt