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Han Sooyoung POV

I went too early..

She sighs and stays in the cafe clicking on her keyboard.

I can't think..

What should I write next?

"Sooyoung!" Her brown her danced as she walked over to Han Sooyoung. Gentle pounding began in her chest as she watched the woman sit down in front of her.

"Sorry I'm late. There was a delay..."

"No. It's fine. I came here early so it's no big deal." She smiles and taps on her keyboard again. Running her finger through her hair and putting it behind her ear made her heart beat even faster. This made Sooyoung click the keys at random. Typing a bunch of random words.

"What are you writing?" Sangah smiled and looked over at Sooyoung.

"Just a WIP.."

"Ouh.. About what?"

Sooyoung quickly pressed her finger on the backspace key deleting all the gibberish she typed.

"A story I'm writing. Barely made any progress though." She sighed and closed her laptop.

"That's fine. I'm sure it takes a while to write an entire story. Especially when you'll need a lot of inspiration from the stuff around us." Sangah glasses outside the clear glass of the cafe. Passersby didn't look anywhere but forward. Sooyoung noticed a leaf on Sangah's hair and reached her hand out.

As she reached her hair, she took the leaf.


"There was a leaf.." 


Sooyoung showed Sangah the leaf and chuckled. A warm sensation built up on her cheeks as she saw Sangah's smile. "Thanks. I never noticed."


After that, no one spoke.

Then Sangah tried to break the silence again. 

"Have you ordered anything?"

"Not yet.. I was waiting till you arrived." Sooyoung tapped on the table and looked outside.

"Oh alright.. I'll go order for us then. What do you want?"

"I'll be good with a mocha frappe."

"Okay." She smiled and walked to the bar to order. Sooyoung took this chance to breath.

As if she held her breath, she sighed and looked at Sangah. Noticing the small details.

Her hair seemed to just have been washed as her shirt was slightly soaked under the ends of her hair. Her clothes gave a comfortable vibe from the floral pattern and light colors. Her eyelashes seemed seemed to shine more, making her come to the conclusion that Sangah used clear mascara instead. Her lips were in a lighter pink that matched her brown hair and eyes.

This made Sooyoung's heart beat get louder in her head. She took a deep breath and opened her laptop again. Writing the details she thought of.

I can use her as my inspiration..

She smiled to herself as she kept writing.

Minutes later, Sangah arrives with a tray of two drinks and a souffle with berries on top. 

"I got this too in case you're hungry." She smiled and placed the tray down. Sooyoung looked at the berries and souffle. "Ah.. thank you.." She nodded and took her drink and a teaspoon. She took a spoonful and took a bite. 

"Does it taste good? It's my first time ordering that here.." Sangah takes the teaspoon as well and scoops.

"Yeah. It does." Sooyoung's cheeks are filled like a squirrel's. She chews lets it melt in her mouth and chews slowly. 

"That's a relief. I was worried you would've preferred something else.." She sighed and took a bite of the souffle. "Mmmm! It is good!" She chuckles. They make eye contact.

They looked at each other for a while and laughed.

Sooyoung took a berry and ate it. Then Sangah glanced to see her face lit up like a squirrel's again. She couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle as she watched. 

"You look like a squirrel." Sangah pointed her spoon at her as she took a sip of her drink.

Sooyoung swallowed and look at her. "I do not!" She quickly takes her phone and checks if her face actually looks like a squirrel's. This only makes Sangah's smile grow wider.

Sooyoung places her teaspoon down refusing to take another bite. Placing her fingers back on the keyboard, she starts typing out her ideas.

All her focus begins to stay on what she's writing, almost forgetting she's with Sangah.

Sangah doesn't mind and just watches her looking seriously at her laptop screen. She finishes the souffle and her drink. Taking out a laptop from her bag, she also does her work. 

An hour passes and Sangah glances at Sooyoung who's still heavily focused on her typing. A part of her admires Sooyoung for it. Thinking that they're somewhat similar.

Sooyoung then takes a deep breath and puts her fingers away from the keyboard. She looks up only to find Sangah resting her head down. Taking a peek to her side, Sangah's eyes were closed. She feels the area they're sitting at getting cold, so Sooyoung takes her jacket and puts it on Sangah.

"Cute." She whispers as she resumes her work. While doing so, she orders an additional souffle and drink.

Just a Seat Away -- A JoongDok Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now