Part Twenty-seven

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The prom night isn't that bad as you thought would be. You excuse yourself from Taehyung, "I'll be back." You say as he smiles and he let you go from his arms.

You walk towards the small balcony of the hall and stand beside a guy who was looking down. "Why are you here?" You say as he flinched.

"Oh god, you scared me to the death." He says and puts his hands on his chest.

"Why are you here, jimin? Aria must be looking for you." You tell him as he looks down and sighs.

"Is everything alright?" You ask, he simply shakes his head.

"Aria confessed." He replied shortly.

"Then what's wrong? I thought you liked her as well." You say and touch his arms,

"Do I?" He asked you. You nod your head.

"Don't you think you smile more when you are with her?" You ask as he sighs again and looks away.

"I'm confused. I'm confused if I really like her..and I'm scared if I'm not capable of loving her as she deserves." He mumbles lowly however you heard him.

"Jimin, what are you really confused about?" You ask him as he looks at you with his eyes telling you something.

"I'm sorry but I heard you telling Taehyung the other day that you had travel from the future." He says, you stop breathing but wait for him to tell you what he really wants to say.

"What was the future like? What were we?" He asks, you look at him and smile. It was no use to lie to him.

"You were my best friend. I mean you still are my bestfriend. You were the only person I could lean on when I felt really lonely in this world. You were the only one I could show my real self. Because of you, I lived that long or I don't know what would I would done if I didn't had you." You tell him and breathe out slowly.

"I always wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have you. Thank you, jimin. For always being with me in my lowest." You say and smiles before leaning your head on his arms,

"I could never ask you more and somehow I know you lost your happiness while looking for mine back at that time." You say and pause,

"I want you to be happy. I want you to find your happiness. I don't want to see you sad anymore." You say and squeeze his hand.

"I see," you hear him say and he let out a shaky breath. "You deserve more jimin. You know that right?" You say and stay for a moment in silence.

Maybe you were aware back then that Jimin had feelings for you. And maybe you were too scared to admit that he might have feelings. You were broken and you were aware you'd bleed on him. He deserves more than he could ever ask for.

"Let's go in or you will catch a cold." You say and pull away from him. He nodded his head and looked down, too scared to look at you while he had tears which were on edge to fall down.

"I'll get you a drink." You say and walk away. You wanted him to give some time alone, to clear his mind. To give him closure.

When you stepped out, you saw Aria leaning on the wall. Did she hear our conversation?

She smiles with her teary eyes, "I know it's hard for you but give him some time." You tell her, as she nods her head and breaks into tears in front of you.

You hugged her, "don't ruin this night for you and him. Go to him and tell what he might want to hear from you." You say as she sniffs and nods her head.

She walks off and you see her disappear from your sight.

"Hey–" you flinched when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, "it's me." You hear the deep voice and eventually relax in his arms.

You smiled, "you scared me." You say as you hear him chuckle. Oh god, his laugh is the end of me.

"I didn't mean to scare you. Where did you go?" He asks and you look at his face. He was pouting,

You place a quick peck on his lips and smile, "Aria confessed to jimin. He's confused. So yeah, just went to hit some senses in his brain." You say and turn around to wrap your hands around his neck.

"Aria loves him. I hope he doesn't hurt her more and accept his feelings for her." Taehyung says as you nod your head.

"Let's dance." Taehyung says, "I'll mess up.." you hesitantly said. You weren't good at dancing and you were afraid that if you tripped you would embarrass him and yourself.

"No, you will not. Let's go." He says and pulls you in the crowd of people dancing in couples.

He grabs your waist and pulls you closer against him as you slowly put your hands on his shoulder. He holds your hand in his other one and slowly sways his body with yours.

You stare at him as he smiles, he was looking so gorgeous and you couldn't make yourself, you are with him.

"Why are you looking at me like you're going to cry at any moment?" He asks and stare into your eyes,

"I'm scared," you pause, "I'm scared that this is a dream and I'm going to wake up soon." You say as he pulls you closer.

"This is real." He tells you. He might have told you a hundred times by now and he never gets tired of assuring you everytime.

As he slowly leans in and joins his mouth to yours. He leaves your hand and cups your jaw to kiss you harder, so hard. Just to make you realize, you aren't dreaming.

He moves his mouth against yours and you are addicted to it. You love the feeling of his warm mouth on you. You love how desperately he kisses you. You love how he was passionate to never let you forget how much he loves you.

Your hands slowly travel to his neck as you snake your arms around it. His tongue enters your mouth and he devours every inch of it.

You pull away to take a few breaths and your chest heaves up against his. His forehead joins with your and you stay in his embrace.

"I've always loved you and will continue to love you. Love you more if I can." He says. You close your eyes.

"Take me home." You tell him and he understands. You feel him nod his head.

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