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You were going to confess to him today. On your 18th birthday.

The paper with confession written fluttered in your hand as you stared blankly at the crowd of students.

How did you even get here?

You were looking forward to today, all ready to tell him, you like him. You didn't care when the teachers yelled at you for running in the corridor.

The red velvet cake with eighteen candles and alongside a small note on the table was sitting prettily in the empty art room. The memories of him and you hanging in the air with the red balloons.

You had unfolded his confession letter, the one that gave you another reason to tell him that you like him back. You just wanted to see him, tell him the feelings you had grown behind those useless banters you had with him every other day.

You were on your way to your classroom when a text had pulled your attention to your phone. You remember smiling till your cheeks hurt after reading it.

You didn't apologize to the girl you bumped into while running to the rooftop. The smile you had while running was the widest ever. It was coming true, the feelings, the love, him and you finally were going to be together. It wasn't a dream anymore.

Your heart was racing, the smile never left your face. Your hands had hesitated to open the door, you think it was because you were nervous to face him. Calming your crazy heartbeat, you had twisted the knob to open the door. All your intense and eager enthusiasm of seeing him had dissipated as soon as you entered the empty terrace.

You were late. You should have run faster.

Where did he go?

You hoped it was wrong, you hoped Yeri was joking when you had picked up one of her many calls that had blown up your phone. You had told her clearly to not call you but she still did.

"Yah, do you really want a beating from me?" you had yelled on the phone but all you could hear were sobs and whimpers in answer.

"Are you crying Yeri?" you had asked, furrowing your eyebrows in concern. "Why are you crying? Is it your boyfriend again? That piece of shit-"

"Y/n! Taehyung!" she had wailed, tearing your heart into pieces.

"What about Taehyung?" you had asked, your heart dropping further when you hear Yeri's choked sobs. "Is he alright?"

"Taehyung...he died...he-" Yeri whimpered.

"He what?" you recall looking around on the terrace, as if it was some joint scheme of Yeri and Taehyung.

But you can only wish it was that.

❝ He jumped from the rooftop.❞

That's how you're standing here in front of the crowd. You make your way through the students, your heart still thumping loud in your chest.

Kim Taehyung, how could he?

You hoped it was a hidden camera and Taehyung was just lying with sauce on himself. That he would sit up and poke his tongue out to tease you, saying "Got you!"

All your hopes crashed when you saw his motionless body on the ground.

Nothing was a prank.

Not the red pool of blood around him. Not his unmoving body. Not the scared students. You looked at Yeri who was standing near him, with her hands clutched on her mouth.

You took hesitant steps towards the lying body, breath shuddering with every step. Your body was shaking when all your strength seemed to have drained out when your hands touched his cold one. Your knees give up immediately and you plop down on the ground with a thump, not caring if they bruise.

"No...this can't be.." you whisper and look up at Yeri. "Yeri, why is he lying on the ground? Tell him to get up, I have something to tell him..."

"Y/n..." Yeri sighs.

You pull away from the coldness of his hands and look down at yours. The red on your hand makes you let out a whimper and you shake him, try everything to wake him up but he doesn't even move a single muscle.

He doesn't wake up.

Someone, you don't know who, pulled you away from him and despite your resistance, you were dragged to the side. How can they expect you to leave when he is not waking up? He can't do this. He can't leave just like that.

Your eyes followed the medics who picked him up, you tried to stop them. They couldn't take him away from you. You need to tell him you love him.

In that moment, you realize.

You have lost him and he's not coming back.

You cry, grief pouring out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. The cries that tore through your chest were gut-wrenching.

Everything seems to be a nightmare, a hallucination, the crowd around you and the sirens, him on the stroller. Your heart wasn't ready to let him go. He wasn't supposed to leave you. He had promised you, in the small note he left.

But he did.

「 Leaving you to wish that you can only go back in time and change the past. 」

Bloody Birthday | Kim Taehyung | ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora