Part Twenty-three

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You heard something like people talking and mumbling in a low voice as if they didn't want to wake up.

You heard the beep of machines around you.

Where am i? The first question arises in your mind.

Am I alive? How? Am I dreaming again? But how am I supposed to dream if I'm dead?

"Honey, ask y/n to wake up." You hear your mom's voice- shaken, sad as if she is crying,

"She will. Give her some time. She's resting. Let her, hmm?" A manly voice says, is that your dad?

"Happy birthday y/n." You hear a girl's voice saying, I suppose it's Nari...

Hold on– my birthday?

You open your eyes, and the machine around you starts beeping aloud as a few pairs of eyes widen with shock-surprise-and something you wouldn't understand.

"Doctor! Doctor. She is awake. Y/n is awake!" You hear people around you yelling for the doctor–

wait does that mean I'm in hospital?

I did not die?

You heard a few more people approaching you. Your eyes were too heavy to be open so you closed it again.

Your body feels heavy as if something is weighing on your body and you can't move. Not a single muscle of your body.

You were too tired and maybe your dad is should take more rest. The voices of people around you fades away.

My head hurts,

My body feels heavy to move,

Am I going to die? Or am I just dead?

Can I see Taehyung again?

And even if I'm alive, so is Nari?

I have to wake up.

But I couldn't.

I want to wake up.

But I couldn't.

Bloody Birthday | Kim Taehyung | ✅Where stories live. Discover now