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chp. 37

As the party began, Chaeryeong found herself following her father to the garage, helping him unpack some of the newly-bought cups and appliances for the barbecue party. She hadn't seen Yuna ever since she left her in the kitchen, and the longing to see her beautiful face again was starting to deepen.

Just as Chaeryeong got lost in the thoughts of her fiancée, the garage door creaked open, only to reveal another Lee behind the door.

"Did you hand her the drinks?" Mr. Lee asked the boy by the door, amid his movements.

Heesung nodded with a polite smile, earning a nod of gratitude before he made his way to Chaeryeong.

"Did my dad tell you to help too?"

"Yep," Heesung grinned, then shrugged, "Actually, I, uh, volunteered to help him, so... that counts?"

Chaeryeong chuckled and nodded, "Sure. Now, can you help me with the cups? Or would you rather help my dad with the heavy tables?"

Heesung sharply sucked in air in contemplation, and then a playful smile appeared. "I'd rather stay with you, to be honest."

If he had said that months ago, Chaeryeong would've been blushing by now, but her longing for Yuna was only pushing away those old feelings.

The two soon hurried around the house, unpacking the materials they needed for the family party they were having, and to prepare themselves for the upcoming barbecue.

While Chaeryeong and Heesung worked together, she found a sense of nostalgia with him, reminding her of their university or high school days where things were a lot different. But in the midst of those feelings, she also noticed the shift in his behaviour.

He began to stand closer to her, his touches lingering longer than necessary, and the subtle yet intentional brushes of the hand.

Was she just overthinking this and exaggerating it? Or was Heesung being... strange?

Chaeryeong felt a twinge of discomfort but brushed it off, attributing it to Heesung's natural friendly and flirty nature. It probably didn't mean anything.

But when they finished everything, Heesung suddenly held her back, a serious expression replacing his usual playful grin. "Chaeryeong... Can I tell you something?"

The writer's curiosity piqued, Chaeryeong looked at him expectantly. "Of course, what's up?"

Hesitation mixed within nervousness in his expressive gaze, and his mouth even opened and closed a few times, Chaeryeong had never seen him this nervous.

Before he could speak, however, the sound of footsteps echoed through the garage, diverting both their attention. And soon enough, Yuna appeared in the doorway.

"Chaeryeong! There you are," the model sighed and made her way to the two, only noticing the awkward boy when she passed by him. "And Heesung," she forced a small smile out, sneakily snaking an arm around Chaeryeong's waist.

The raven-haired couldn't help but chuckle at her sudden protective behaviour, she could practically feel Yuna's possessiveness emitting from her body.

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