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chp. 20

"Good morning, beautiful."

Chaeryeong beamed the moment she opened her eyes, feeling a sense of fulfillment and excitement at the voice of her—

Crush? Fiancée? What should she even call Yuna?

They haven't exactly discussed what their relationship was now that they revealed their feelings to each other, but one thing was for sure; things wouldn't be an act anymore, they wouldn't have to lie.

That surely set Chaeryeong's heart and mind at ease, knowing that she no longer needed to lie to her friends.

As her sleepy gaze connected with Yuna's adoring gaze, all those doubts were pushed in the back of her mind, and she could only stare at those pink lips in front of her, feeling the urge to lean in.

"Good morning, Yuna," she mumbled softly, looking back up at the model. Chaeryeong gained a small smile in return, watching as the other adjusted her position. She felt Yuna pulling her closer with her arm draping over her waist, so she snuggled her head into the actor's chest, finding serenity within their position.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Yuna asked quietly, her husky morning voice sending shivers down Chaeryeong's spine. The urge to kiss her had increased.

"Mm," the writer nodded. "Did you?"

"Of course," Yuna chuckled. "Only because you were beside me."

Lightly hitting Yuna by the arms, Chaeryeong grinned. "Cutie."

"Only yours," the brunette smirked, placing her chin on top of Chaeryeong's head. "I like sleeping beside you."

Chaeryeong pulled away and lifted her gaze, staring into the other's coffee-coloured orbs. "Really?"

"Mhm," Yuna nodded, pulling her back into her embrace before continuing. "I like having you in my arms."

"When have you become such a softie?"

Yuna chuckled, her eyes filled with warmth as she looked down at Chaeryeong. "I think it's safe to say that you bring out the soft side in me. Being with you makes me feel things I never thought possible."

"Cheesy," Chaeryeong murmured, hiding her blushing face into Yuna's chest while listening to her laugh.

"Hey, um," Yuna started, rubbing Chaeryeong's arm slowly. "My parents called me this morning, when you were asleep, and they wanted us to get together, like how your family did."

Chaeryeong gasped in realization, "Am I going to meet your friends?"

Yuna grinned. "Yes, and a bunch of my cousins and family friends too."

"...Do you have a lot?"

Yuna snorted. "Oh yeah, you probably won't be able to remember all of their names."

"No~ I got this, for sure." Chaeryeong tried to convince herself, not knowing what was coming for her.


"And... that's it."

Chaeryeong's mouth was still agape, her eyes surveying all the people surrounding her.

She never expected Yuna to have so many friends.

Or, family friends, in that sense.

"I think we're scaring her," Jaemin remarked, finding amusement in her frozen expression.

"No! It's just..." Chaeryeong found herself speechless, feeling the weight of all the gazes on her and Yuna. "There are so many of you.."

"I bet she didn't expect you to have such a large circle of friends, Yuna," Jungwon chuckled, twirling the Rubik's cube in his hand.

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