Bonus Chapter: The Disappearance of Fei Ren

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'It's been 4 months since the disappearance of Fei best friend. Police, the neighborhood, her friends...we've all gathered in a restless search to find her but to no avail. All of us are varied in our reactions. Sofi has sheltered herself, not wanting to address her disappearance. She can't seem to tolerate that she is gone, bursting into tears when it is mentioned. She also curses the name of the causer, though we have no idea who it is. Amber is silent, praying to find any clues of Fei. She continues her studies, but this situation has gotten her scared...of a lot. Her academic performance also seems to have been hit, turning her perfect GPA to a 2.5. Marcus has been taking matters in his own hands, and often takes walks and puts up missing posters wherever he goes. Taking his future interest in investigative areas seriously. Kaleb has been continuing, much like Amber, placing his worries into his designs. He's been helping Marcus with his posters as well. As for me...well...I'm writing. I don't know what to do anymore...I walk with Marcus, place up posters, look around, look online...'

'Her father was frantic, both in a frenzy that seemed to be caused by pain, dismay, and fury. Ever since the police thought he was a suspect in her disappearance, being that he is not her biological father, he lost all faith in them. Sometimes, he revisits the crash site on his own and looks around, everywhere, no matter the weather, hoping to find some sort of thing to help him find his child...Sometimes...I think I can hear his weeping...It seems that his job was comprehensible, but even then he had to return.'

'Her mother, being the most "calm" , was also frantic. Daily, she would assist the officers before the case had gone cold. All the investigators could do was leave the case open and ask for any leads from the public. Those led to nothing. Fei's mother decided to leave matters into her own hands, searching for leads on her own. She has found nothing. But if I have to be honest...I feel like she is hiding something. She has always had this serious and cold demeanor, but she's actually super warm. If I'm honest, she is a charming woman, and seems to fit well with Fei's emotional father (like, it embarrasses Fei, but I think it's super cute). But, there is something about her cold self that almost feels unnerving. Ugh, I don't know how to describe it, but it's like she's seen some shit, and it's heavy. if she were escaping something. Could it be that she knows something we don't? She wouldn't have this happen...would she? Well, the more I think about it, the less sense it makes.

'Her mother WOULDN'T do that, but there is someone in her family that I don't even trust. Her's just...maybe I'm overthinking, but ever since that time I first met him. He makes me wary, his eyes scare me. He's got the same cold demeanor of Fei's mother, but it's sheer cold, frigid, scary. There is no thought in those eyes that reveal something positive in him, no thought about others. I must be overstepping, but this is my diary, my thoughts, my feelings, and they're all messed up right now. I need to vent. Maybe if I vent hard enough, shout, cry, plead enough to God or the Gods themselves...Fei will hear and reach out...'

'Where are you?'

'Ever since the car crash, it was like she had just disappeared from this earth. I guess I should say they, huh? Her chauffeur was also there...Raul Baustamon. I won't say that his hatred for the family was super well kept, I mean, I guess he was pretty nonchalant and cold with everyone. But honestly, his malice came and went. Felt that he hid from us more than stalk, and his personality shifted between...nonchalant and cold. Regardless, maybe that was his plan. He would hide away and watch, but...I still think that Raul guy is in kahoots with Fei's uncle. If anything, I think the guy's super weird and probably bad, but nothing like the vibes her uncle gives me. Hardly could compare. Anyways, where could those two be? Could it be that taking care of those two in one shot would benefit someone? If it wasn't her uncle, then who?'

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