Chapter 17: Preparations

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"Are you alright, sensei?" Tazuna's daughter, Tsunami, asked.

"Yeah...I just can't move for a week or so." Kakashi answered.

"Man, you really ran out of chakra, didn't you sensei?" Fei asked. She received a short nod and a pout. She giggled as she sat beside Sakura near his futon.

"What? The Sharingan is incredible but..." Sakura started.

"It puts that much stress on the body, I guess you have to think before using it."

Tazuna approached, wiping his forehead, "Well, we defeated that strong of a ninja this time."

"We?" Fei looked at him with an unamused face. He grinned at her and scratched the back of his head.

"We should be safe for a while!"

"But the way, who was that masked kid?" Sakura asked.

"That's the mask worn by the Hidden Mist Special Hunter-nin team. They are also known as body erasers. Their duty is to completely dispose of the body without a trace. A ninja's body has within it secrets of the village's ninjutsu...information on different chakra types, herbs, and other things that will reveal things about the village. For example, if I died, the secrets of the Sharingan could be revealed. If you're not careful, there's the danger that the enemy will steal your jutsu." More of the group started to approach the futon as he continued, "A ninja's body can reveal important information. So, by killing and disposing of the missing-nins who have abandoned their village, the hunter-nins protect the information from getting out. They are the specialists who guard their village's secrets. No sound, no smell...that is a ninja's end"

"So...he absolutely...gone..." Fei let out.

"Scary!" Sakura said, sweating a little.


Fei flinched slightly at the reaction of her teammates, their sensei's eyes, or eye, suddenly opening.

"KYAA!" Sakura and Naruto both screamed.

"Ah, you're awake Kakashi sensei, how are you feeling?" Fei asked, approaching the group.

"Idiot, what are you doing?! We were so close to seeing under his mask!" Sakura scolded, fist clenching.

"Hey, watch it! Or Sasuke gets another rubber band to his leg, Sakura!" Fei defended her friend, sitting between the two. Sasuke perked up at her 'threat'.

"I'd like to see you try. It won't work again, loser..." Sasuke glared at Fei. She just lifted her arm up with an empty finger gun, causing him to tense and lift up a little.

"You take that back! Jerk!" Naruto yelled, defending Fei from Sasuke. The cycle continued, nobody noticing Kakashi's tense state.

'What's this? Zabuza is dead...What's this feeling? I feel like I'm missing something important...No, something's strange. Could I have missed something?' He paused for a while, the room silent.

"What's wrong, sensei?" Naruto asked.

"Huh? Well, body erasing teams...usually dispose of the body of the person they killed right there."

Fei began to frown, 'Does that mean that that kid...was also an enemy.'

"So what?" Sakura asked, nervously.

"Don't you see? How did that masked boy dispose of Zabuza's body?"

"Huh? How could we know? That masked guy took the body with him."

"Yeah, if he needed proof of his work, he could have just taken the head. And the weapon that he used to kill Zabuza."

"...No way," Fei looked at Sasuke with the same look.

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