With that, Brad leaves to gather supplies for their three day stay at the mall.

Jason gets up from the small bed and goes to leave.

Frank: Where're you going?

Jason: Imma go check out that gun shop Otis mentioned. You stay here and rest up, I'll be back.

Frank: Alright. Don't get killed out there.

Jason: Hmph.

Jason leaves the security room, and makes his way to the North Plaza.

While Jason was walking through the park, he heard honking. He looks behind him to see a military truck rapidly approaching him with three convicts in it. One of them tries to hit him with a bat, but Jason jumps out of the way before he did.

The car stops and all the convicts start laughing.

Convict 1: Hahaha, you missed loser.

Convict 2: Get your aim right brother.

The convict that is driving, taps the one with the bat and turns his attention to a young woman and older man.

As soon as the two people see the car, they immediately turn and run away.

Convict 3: Alright! Looks like we found our next contestants!

Convict 1: I'm gonna take out that dude and snatch his old lady!

Convict 2: Here we go!

The convicts take off towards the two survivors and as the survivors try to run, the man gets hit directly in the head with the baseball bat, killing him instantly.

When the man was hit, the woman watched in horror and started to scream.

Jason looked on and pulled out his gun, ready to kill the convicts.

Jason: These guys are scum!

Jason then starts to run after them.

With the convicts, they started to go after the woman. She sees them coming after her and she, begrudgingly, leaves the man to try and run.

The convicts were about to catch her, but suddenly they started getting shot at.

Convict 2: What the hell!?

The convicts look back and see Jason running towards them with his gun raised.

Convict 2: Well, looks like we got ourselves a hero. Take him out.

Convict 1: With pleasure!

The convict that was sitting on the mounted gun of the military truck turns around and starts shooting at Jason.

Jason: Shit!

Jason jumps and dodges out of the way of the bullets, using the tree line as cover. The driver turns around and starts to chase after Jason. Seeing them coming after him, he looks around the park and sees a clock tower and gets an idea.

Jason: Come on, you fucking pussies! Come and get me!

Jason runs towards the clock tower while getting shot at by the mounted gun when at range, having to avoid a baseball bat and getting run over.

Jason eventually gets to the clocktower and starts to use that for cover. Jason continues to trash talk them, making them angry, and causing them to act recklessly. The guy on the gun just started shooting non-stop, the driver was driving so recklessly, he was constantly crashing into things, and the one with the bat kept hitting the side of the truck.

Once the mounted gun runs out of ammo, Jason takes his chance and starts shooting back at them. The driver tries to swerve from side to side, but the one on the gun loses his grip and falls out of the truck. Jason runs over to him and before the convict could stand, he was shot dead.

The other convicts, were angered at this and tried to run Jason over. The driver tries to run over Jason until Jason jumps to the side and shoots the driver in the head, killing him and making him fall on the wheel. The truck goes out of control and before it crashes, the convict with the bat jumps out.

The truck hits a bump and flips over, crashing into a nearby pond.

The convict with the bat gets up and tries to run, but he is shot in the leg before he can.

Jason: And just where do you think you're going?

The convict looks up and sees Jason walking towards him. The convict tries to get up again, but he's shot in his other leg.


Jason walks over to the convict and picks up his bat. The convict was on his hands and knees until Jason lifted his head up with the bat. The convict was now on his knees, looking Jason in the eyes.

Jason: Any last words?

Convict:...GO TO-

Before he could finish, Jason bashed the side of his head in. Killing him.

End OST 

Jason throws down the bat and lets out a sigh of relief. He looks around for the girl that was being chased, but she's nowhere to be found.

Jason: Guess she ran off somewhere. Hope she's alright.

Jason then continues to make his way to the North Plaza.

That's the end of this chapter.

See y'all next time.


The Survivor (Dead Rising X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें