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Immediately after dismissing the students, i went out in search of Serbian.

I went out, going down the stairs, i came across Samuel.

"Thank God, Samuel, i have been looking for you."

"Yes, young master, there was a bit of hiccups, so i went back."

"What happened?" I was curious, hoping for nothing too serious.

"It seemed like the boy Dan Bliss went to offend a great Mafia Don and they wouldn't take anything except his body, alive" he finished for me.

I knew there was something up with Bliss, but who?

And what did he do?

How did he come across them?

Was he into drugs?


Trying to figure out what to think of it, those were most of the reasons young teenagers end up caught in their snare.

"But we got another problem." He said cautiously, i was already pissed about the information.

What was it again?

"It's the Mansion."

The mansion? Here or ours in LA.

"What happened?" I asked, better spit it out at once, and get to solving quick.

"There have been recent visit since we occupied the mansion."

"Okay, what visit?"

Was it Bliss? How did they know he was here? It wasn't possible to be aware that quick unless they had an insider.

Or was it me, because of me, i had my own share past with them but...

"I'm not too sure, Serbian has all the details. I think we should head over to him." He said, nodding my head in response.

"That's what I was doing before i ran into you, i heard sounds few hours ago. Screams especially at Dad's place."

Scrunching his eyebrows he didn't say anything, i felt he knew something but he was hiding it from me.

I had to find it out and fast.

"Let's go" I said wanting to get to the bottom of this and fast.

I went to the servant quarters, it was a standalone building outside the mansion.

It was a three storey building with 76 rooms for the workers, though i doubt they will still be that much.

But knowing Serb, he might have kept them all.

He wasn't there.

Checking the guards quarters too, he wasn't there too.

Where could he be, i thought, we were halfway done with the search when i was already panting.

Stopping to catch my breath, 100+ stairs were no joke, this was  punishment.

Damn Serb and this stupid staircase, why hadn't he gotten an elevator.

"It's alright, take your time young master."

Nodding my head in response, i found out i have been doing that a lot lately since i entered here.

Wait, wasn't it just our third day here and all this drama already.

The more reason i had to sort whatever is going on now, we still had a long way to go.

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