Chapter 28

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Hi guys, i wanted to clarify few things. Initially i thought to make it as a short sweet romance but after some time i decided to make it as a long one with reality check, i wanted to address things happening in our society.

About last chapter, i wasnt intended to make Ansh too negative. Can u pls read it again, I believe he had his own reasons over his thoughts about working women and love. Yeah few things were unacceptable and against moral. Humans do mistake. Ansh too did. I m clearly not justifying his action, but i say men like him do exist.


Soon after reading Ansh diary sara got cramps, hastily she kept the diary under the pillow and tried to wake up but she couldnt. She shouted for her MIL hearing which Janaki rushed in. Srinivasan informed sara's condition to Ansh.

20 min later,

"Maaa, Appa what happened to Ammu" Ansh entered into the house shouting.

Lakshmi "Dont panic da. Nothing serious sara got cramps due to heat, its very normal in pregnancy. I applied oil the pain was gone, she is taking rest now. "

"Your father make a fuzz even for small thing. Why did u called him Seenu" while lakshmi was scolding her husband Ansh ran up the stairs ignoring his mothers words.

He dashed into his room. There Sara was sitting leaning over the headboard supported by pillow.

"Have u lost it! Duffer! How many times i told u not to eat jack fruit. U will do only what u wish with no care about the child thats growing inside you" Ansh straight away started his scolding without even asking how does she feel now.

Sara "Am i 7/10 for you"

"Huh! What?" Ansh quirked his brow not understanding what she says.

"You rated me 7/10 in bed" Sara said gritting her teeth, tears of anger started to flow out of her eyes. She gave him his diary.

Ansh's demeanour changed "Ammu" he called softly.

"Dont call me that. Ammu Ammu nu kooptu ena emmathitala (By calling me with such endearment you fooled me right?) " Sara asked with tears.

Sara stood up, Ansh tried to hold her but she gave him a tight slap and went out of her room.

She came straight to her Athai, who was arranging the food for lunch.

Lakshmi "Sara, why did u came down. I would have brought the lunch to the room. How are you feeling now btr right"

Sara "Athai, i want to go to my home"
Ansh too came down and stood silently behind Sara, hoping she doesnt tell his parents anything.

Lakshmi "I understand your feelings Sara. But you see even i stayed with your mama when i was pregnant with Ansh"

"My marriage is different from yours Athai" Sara said louder hence it appeared to be rude and offensive.

"Sahasra" Ansh roared,he grabbed her wrist and took her to their room.

Ansh parents were too shocked and clueless about whats happening.

Ansh "How dare you talk to my mom like that? Who gave you the permision to touch my diary. Dont you feel ashamed to invade someone's privacy? "

"Privacy! Really? Who the hell gave you the permission to write shit about me, dont u feel ashamed to do that. You.. u rated me" sara stuttered.

Ansh "I didnt mean that Sara"

Sara "What u didnt mean haan? You didnt mean to plot to consumate? You...wrote vulgarly about me... I m just another women on your bed right. Just like the girls you had s** in college"

"Sara! Dont u dare to compare yourself with those sluts" Ansh gritted his teeth.

"What did you said? Slut?! Seriously! If a man have casual s**, friends with benefit, situationship and one night stands its normal thing. But when a woman does she will be termed as a slut. What a cheap and low mentality u people have" Sara questioned him.

Ansh fisted Sara's hair "Nee en pondati dana? Sollu d en pondati dana (You are my wife only right)" Ansh questioned her back, his face inches away from hers making their breath intermingle.

"Getting physical and making children is a normal thing in marital life. Dont try to make a fuss about it" Ansh declared.

"So u say i m ur personal slut, as u tied this around my neck" Sara asked him holding her Nupital in her hand, hurt evident in her voice.

"Sara" Ansh hissed pulling her hair in his fist. At the same time Sara felt a harsh kick in her belly Sara groaned in pain, baby was reacting to its parents fight.

Ansh left her hair immediately and started to examine her belly "Is everything ok, did you get cramps, did i hurt your stomach" Ansh panicked.

"Baby kicked me" sara said and a lone tear escaped her eyes, realising all he cares about is the baby.

Ansh didnt said anything and left the room.

After an hour, Lakshmi came to Sara's room with a food plate along with a juice.

"Sara get up and eat. Its already 2.30 PM. " Lakshmi made Sara to sit up and started to feed her.

"I apologise on behalf of Ansh Sara, i know he is bit strict towards you, but the thing is he care for you and baby so much.He told me that as he scolded u for eating jackfruit u wanted to go to your home. I m sry too, i just said it casually that i stayed with your mama. You can go to your home day after tomorrow as your 7th month starts" Lakshmi said Sara while feeding her simultaneously.

"I understand Athai. I m soo sry Athai, i swear i didnt mean in any wrong way. I was about to tell that yours is love marriage so u wanted to stay with mama. Mine is arranged i wish  to spent time in my home, thats it" Sara.

"Sure ma. Since its 6 month u cant go. Wait for just two days ok" Lakshmi patted Sara's head and left the room.

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