chapter 4

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Same day @ 2 pm

"Why you look so pissed, had fight with your son" srinivasan asked settling beside Lakshmi on the couch

"My son? He is your son...he is just like you, never listen to me at all" Lakshmi said furiously.

Srinivasan "Relax what happened?"

Lakshmi told him everything.

Srinivasan "He was right, How can u decide by yourself Lakshmi. Even i too like Sara, but how we can decide it? Marriage is a long process you know right"

Lakshmi "You both talk as if I made her my DIL. I just said my wish. Wont you be happy if Sara become our DIL"

Srinivasan "Ofcourse i will be, but i dont know how to ask Purushothaman, also i must talk to Ansh"

Lakshmi "Ok you talk to your son first, and if he is ok then we will move forward, make a call to him right now"

Srinivasan sighed and called Ansh.

Ansh "Hi pa"

Srinivasan "Ansh, let me come straight to the point, Are u k with marrying Sara"

Ansh "Paa pls not you, I dont even know her "

Lakshmi interrupted " You dont know her, you both studied in same school also she is your cousin Rahul' s classmate.. Above all we are relatives her father is your mama, you have seen her often in family functions, what else you want"

Ansh "Maa seeing a person doesnt mean we know them. God, idk what to say"

Lakshmi "Dont u believe me Ansh, she is a well educated girl with good morals, She will be the perfect match for you"

Ansh" If you really think she is the perfect match, then go ahead... But only if she is ok with the alliance ma"

Lakshmi " Ofcourse da, first we should ask her parents, we thought to know ur opinion before proceeding thats it"

Ansh "Ok ma, have to study. Bye and Appa take care of yourself and amma"

Evening @5pm Sahasra House

Sara wake up its 5, God looks like i have given birth to a Panda...Such a lazy girl.. Enga inum 3 masam dan ungaluku time adukula ivaluku kalyanam panidunga... Iva kita katha ini enala mudiyadhu...( Get ur daughter married within 3 months, thats ur deadline... I m fed up with handling her) Janaki was telling her husband in a serious tone and the door bell rings.

Janaki went and opened the door, she was surprised to see Lakshmi and Srinivasan at their doorstep.

"Looks like you finally remembered the way to our house, come inside" Janaki dragged Lakshmi into the house.

After drinks and small chit chat, Srinivasan asked where is Sara and how is Varun.

Janaki "Varun is in Australia and Sara... she is sleeping, work pressure and traveling makes her tired, she came home from chennai last night only"

"She is working in chennai? Is she posted permanently in chennai only? Why she chose chennai" Lakshmi started to bombard them with questions, she becomes little hyper at times.

Purushothaman "No no, its her probation period, after training she will be posted within our distric itself, 3 months more thats all"

Srinivasan hesitantly started "Hmm... Purushothaman we are looking alliance for Sriyansh, are you willing to give your daughter to my son"

Purushothaman and Janaki looked at each other without knowing what to answer.

After a minute, Lakshmi broke the silence "We understand Anna, both our families may be cordial to eachother, but setting up an alliance with us, may be hard , you might nt like to have alliance with inter-caste couple, sorry we shouldn't have asked at all"

Purushothaman "What are you saying Lakshmi, we know each other for 30 yrs, is this what you think of us, I m disappointed.. U suddenly asked and we really dont know how to react thats all.... I will be more than happy to send my daughter to your home but only if my daughter is ok with it, what do u say Janaki"

Janaki "I m positive but Sara is the one to decide, Lakshmi we will discuss with Sara and let u know"

Lakshmi "For sure, after all they are the one who is going to live, I too came here only after getting approval from Ansh, Ok we will leave then, bye"

Both Lakshmi and Srinivasan retired from there.

Sara was sleeping soundly without even knowing whats happening around.

At dinner, Purushothaman " Sara we have something to ask you"

"Tell Paa whats the matter" Sara asked while gobbling her dosa.

"Lakshmi and Srinivasan came, they are asking for your hand in marriage for Sriyansh" Purushothaman told her.

Sara choked on her food "What??! Me... Marriage?! But why"

"What why?" look the girls of your age are having a child already.. Janaki told Sara

Sara glared at her mom and turned her attention towards her dad, "Paa why suddenly," she couldnt digest the fact that they are really asking her to get married.

Its nt a sudden decision Sara, I told u 3 months ago, I was searching but couldnt find any good prospect groom
Now i got a perfect alliance, hence i m telling you it"

Sara stayed silent, Purushothaman continued... We all know Sriyansh from childhood, he is a good guy, doctor also both the families are relatives, i dont find any reason to reject him at all, the decision is yours"

Sara "Is he ok with the alliance"

Janaki "Ofcourse, yes"

Sara didnt said anything and retired to her room for sleep, but her sleep was long gone with this marriage topic.

Next day was sunday, During breakfast again Purushothaman asked Sara, she enquired about the opinion of her siblings last night itself.

Sara "Paa do you really think, he is a good choice?"

Pursuhothaman "Best choice"

"Then lock your best choice" Sara said with a smile.

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