Chapter 14

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After watching the Sunrise, both Ansh and Sara came back to hotel, freshened up and ate the famous 'Lal Tibba Sandwich'

Then they both went to Temple, as it is new yr to seek the blessings of God.

On their way back to home, "This city and the environment is soo beautiful na" Sara told in a daze mesmerised by the snow filled winter look of Mussoorie, through the window.

Ansh hummed in response, which gained Sara's attention.

Sara now turned towards Ansh and asked "Why did u booked cab, u have bike na, it would have been amazing if we travelled in bike."

"Yeah... Yeah... It would have been fabulous to travel in the bike with you in this climate" Ansh emphasized the word you and climate in a mocking tone.

Sara zipped her mouth realizing how freezing cold it is outside.

Meanwhile they reached Ansh's home, Sara fell on the bed immediately feeling exhausted.

"Get up and pack your things, you have an early morning flight tomorrow remember" Ansh shouted from the wash room.

"I already did, will you pls be quiet for sometime, i want to sleep" Sara said irritated and covered herself with quilt.

After few hrs, Ansh woke up Sara from her sleep, 'now what' Sara asked him clearly pissed.

"You have 10 minutes, get ready and come outside" Ansh stated.

Sara" What? Where are we going again? The flight is early morning, its 5.30 only, we still have time, i want to sleep"

Ansh " You only have 8 more minutes now, be quick else i will take you out in your current state itself"

'Argh...Hitler, Ivan kita vandhu maatikitan paaru (I got struck with such a jerk)' Sara mentally groaned before getting ready in a lightning speed.

When she went outside, she was surprised to see Ansh sitting over the bike with his helmet and leather jacket on.

For the very first time, Sara felt some tingling sensation in her.

"Sit" Ansh ordered which Sara obeyed with full blown smile.

With in 15 minutes, they reached a secluded scenic point which is untouched by commercial tourist, in average altitude from their home.

" I come here often as it is very near to home to calm my mind by seeing sun rise. Now as u wished for a bike ride, also the evening sun set, i thought to bring you here" Saying this Ansh moved forward and stood infront of mother nature with his hands on either pant pockets, watching the last rays of sun disappear behind the mountains.

Ansh didnt asked her, whether she liked it or not but Sara wanted to tell him how much she liked it.

So she advanced towards the direction where he stands, but stumbled on stone when she was about to reach him. Ansh was quick to notice and prevented her from falling, by holding her arms.

They both stood facing eachother with just few cms gap. A sudden gush of cold wind made Sara's body to tremble in cold, Ansh tugged her closer to him. Dusk and the cool breeze stirred something in both of them, they inched closer while staring at each others eyes.

Soon....their lips met making their eyelids close, to feel the kiss. Its neither a peck nor a deep kiss, something in between, a slow tender yet not a passionate one, making nature the only witness of their first kiss.

After few seconds, they both moved away with the realisation of whats happening. Neither of them know how they ended up kissing, it was like they were under a magical spell and their body had their own language.

Sara's heart was thudding and her face became warm due to blood rush.

"Lets go home,its getting dark, we have to leave in few hrs, to catch ur early morning flight." saying this Ansh
moved towards his bike.

Sara silently followed him, they had dinner and a small nap till 12o clock.
And reached Dehradun Airport.

Neither of them uttered a single word after the kiss.

When Sara was about to check in, She suddenly turned around and hugged Ansh tightly, she tip toed and whispered near his ear "Take care and Come back home soon" .

With that she disappeared into the crowd, to catch her flight....

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