Chapter 7

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October 2nd, Morning 7 am.

"Why Ansh is so irresponsible, I m calling him for the past 15 minutes, he is nt picking up, pls u try to call him now, I have to cross check the groceries for afternoon meal, cook will be here by anytime." Lakshmi was ordering her husband while walking towards the store room from hall.

"Relax Lakshmi the flight may got little late. He will call once he reached chennai. Did Rahul reached Airport" Srinivasan enquired his wife. (Rahul Ansh's first cousin - Srinivasan sister's son also the classmate of Sara)

Lakshmi "He was waiting at the parking for the past 30 minutes, Ansh is nt picking up his call either. You have to call him now"

Srinivasan hummed in response, and called Ansh, after 2 3 attempts Ansh finally answered the call.

Ansh: "Yes paa" His voice was so dull.

Srinivasan: "Why u sound very tired, did u reached chennai.. Rahul was waiting for u in the parking, it seems u didnt attend his calls"

Ansh: "Hmm.. Appa I m sorry, I m in Mussoorie."

Srinivasan: "What u are still in Mussoorie? Why?"

Lakshmi reached the hall listening to her husbands high pitch reply... She forcefully got the phone from her husband's hand and started to speak after switching on the speaker " What do u mean by u are in Mussoorie, does this all look like a joke for u or
do u think of us as idiot. Whats wrong with u Ansh, u were nvr like this before.." Lakshmi seethed in anger.

"Even u were nvr like this before maa... U dont let me to either speak or gives me time.. Am i look like a doll to you? " Ansh roared back.

"You started to speak back Ansh, I dont know why you became like this" Lakshmi started to cry.

Ansh sighed and cut the call, he neither was in the mood for any drama nor he has the energy to explain them, he was exhausted completely after the long tiring night.
He sat in his cabin holding his forehead, recalling the last night events.

Last night:

October 1st 11 pm  @ Mussoorie.

Ansh got ready for his journey to home, his flight from Dehradun is at 2.30 am, as there is no straight flight to chennai,he booked a connecting flight ie. Dehradun - Delhi - Chennai, so that he will reach home around 9.30 am the next day.

When he was about to get into a cab, he got a call from hospital about a medical emergency, there was an accident case and the patient must undergo a surgery immediately to survive, his senior doctor is in need of his assistance.

Ansh doesnt know what to do at first, but replied  that he will be there at hospital within 10 minutes.

He asked the cab driver to drop him in the hospital. He went to hospital with his luggage bag as there was no time to unload them at flat.

The condition of the patient was really critical. There were multiple fractures so much of blood loss, two to three nurses were trying to wipeout the blood to find the injuries. After an hour of struggle doctors figured out what to do next.

The patient was taken into OT, for surgery after what felt like an eternity the operation was completed, yet the doctors cant tell anything for next 12 hrs.

Ansh reached his cabin after cleaning himself and settled in his chair, fully worn out. His phone buzzed there were plenty of missed calls and notifications, ignoring all that he picked up the call, which was from his father.

And there was that high voltage family drama.. Ansh was more irritated by the fact his mom didnt even asked the reason and straightly jumped to question him more without letting him speak at all...

His phone was continuously buzzing, he didnt bother to attend as it was from his mom.. But after few minutes, he couldnt hold back he knew his mother was worried that comes out like this... So he attended the call and explained politely about his situation to his parents... This time lakshmi didnt interfere , Srinivasan told thats k and he will handle the situation and assured Ansh nt to worry.

Lakshmi finally spoked "Did u had your breakfast kanaa"

Ansh smiled and said " Your morning dose already filled me maa..."

Lakshmi "I m soo sry Ansh, u know me right, now pls go and have some food and take rest, we will handle here"

Ansh "K ma, Convey my apologise to Athai and Mama, bye"

After that Srinivasan's family along with relatives went to Sara's house, they explained the reason for the absence of Sriyansh and apologised. Though Purushothaman family was ok with that, the relatives started to create a fuss, but both the families didnt cared much about this.
As they know the fact that if they dont complain they are nt relatives at all..

Meanwhile Sriyansh face timed, after freshening up and apologised to his Athai and Mama.

With the virtual presence of Ansh, the marriage was fixed. After which both families had an official meal in each others house and  confirmed the engagement date.

At night, Lakshmi sent pics of Sara in Saree to Ansh.

Ansh opened them and thought his mom's choice was nt that bad. He have seen her before few times but not in Saree, she always looked like a girl but in Saree she looked different like a grown up woman...

He kept the phone aside and fell into deep slumber as he was hell tired. Thankfully the patient was out of danger now, that made him sleep peacefully.

After a couple of weeks, His mom called Ansh and informed its Sara's birthday and enquired whether he wished her or not. He replied he dont know... His mom asked him to wish her.

At first, he was reluctant to call coz of her single word reply... But eventually to cope up with him nt attending the rituals, he said ok to his mom.

He called her after his work shift in the evening.

Phone conversation:

A: Hi...Ansh here, Wish u happy birthday.

S: Thanks.

(Few seconds of silence)

S: Hmm... Do u want to tell anything else?

A:  Nope, not really... Got to know from Mom its ur birthday. So thought to wish you, thats all, Bye.

S: Bye.

Ansh's MV: Thimuru pudichiva call panan paaru ena sollanum (arrogant girl i shouldnt have called her at all)

The days started to move fastly, and its already November.

Sara's probation will be completed by November end. She was already posted in her district itself which may take some 40 minutes travel from her city. She have to join in December before she takes the leave for Marriage.

Ansh's exam got over, He reached home, though his exams were completed he still have some work in Mussoorie probably that may a take a month time.

Its diwali next week, 5th day after the festival its Sara and Ansh's Engagement, ie. Second week of November.

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