Ch. 20: Cat's Question (Towards You)

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Later on at night, you and Cat are in your room. Mariana is in hers asleep. It's 11pm. You and Cat are in there. You have your records and your record player since you took those along after leaving Delaware with Cat. Your record is playing Mrs. Robinson by Simon and Garfunkel. 

Cat says, "Who is this again?" You say, "Simon and Garfunkel. This is from The Graduate. My favorite movie. I saw it in theaters a few years ago and loved it. I'm lucky if I see it play on TV once in a while." 

(They didn't have VHS' yet in the 1960s. Wasn't invented until 1976.)

Cat looks at you and he says, "Hey... (Y/N)." You look at him and you say, "Yeah, Nathan?" He says, "We're in our room now.~" He grins and says, "Know what that means?~" It clicks for you and you sit closer. You lean in and you say, "Nathan.~" He closes his eyes and he leans in. He presses his lips against yours into a kiss and you kiss him back.

He deepens the kiss and sticks his tongue in your mouth. Your tongues massage one another's. You wrap your arms around him and you moan into the kiss. You get upon his lap and you straddle him as you face him. He has his arms around you and he pulls your dress up a bit.

You pull away and you smirk and say, "Oh hey... I remembered something I've mentioned to you earlier... hombre.~" He looks at you. You grin and you say, "It's MY turn to push YOU around, kitty cat.~" He smirks and chuckles. He plays along and you grip his shoulders. You push him down and you say, "I'm taking over.~" 

But suddenly he says this, "Wrong." You say, "Huh?" He stretches his arms up and he grips your arms. You look left to right at his hands, then back down at him. He grins and says, "You forget, baby. You forget the shit I'm capable of as a demonic being.~" 

He suddenly turns you over to where you're laying down and he says, "You forget that I'm stronger. I'm unstoppable. You're just a mere human female. Besides... you didn't see THIS part, yet.~" He suddenly grows out about three to four more arms and you gasp. He grins and says, "See?~" You say, "H-holy shit, Nathan." 

(Trigger warning.)

He uses each hand to pin you down or to keep you from getting away and he says, "You'll take my cock like a good little harlot you are for me. You will never have the power over me. The only powers you had over me... is that I fell in love with you and I stopped killing for you. The only way I'll hurt you is with my cock. Thrusting all the way into you and making you scream and cry in pleasure. All for you, (Y/N).~" 

You blush madly and you say, "I guess you've bested me, oh powerful one.~" He says, "Who the fuck cares if the old broad hears us? I want to hear YOU begging for me.~" You and Cat have your moment, but it's more intense than the last two times.


The next morning, you and Cat are up. Cat's in the living room. You're in the kitchen with Mariana helping her with breakfast and she says, "So... What went on last night, huh?" You blush and you say, "Y-you heard that?" She says, "Child. This house doesn't have much installation to it. These walls are thin. I heard those love noises from you and the twisted gato."

You look away and you say, "H-hey. Look. I..." She says, "Oh, come on. You're young. Obviously, him too if he's Nathan Sterling and was in his twenties still when he was turned into that giant cat monster." You look at her. She says, "You are a pretty young lady. Especially if a murderous being like himself falls for you." 

You say, "I saw a picture of him as a human when I looked through the files of my butler back at home." She says, "Butler? You mean you're rich?" You say, "Well... was. I left. I was already out on my own, but after losing my friends to... well, that's a long story... my parents insisted I stay with them for a while. But I left and found Nathan at the studio. He insisted before I left that I leave with him. We ended up going as far as possible." 

She sighs and says, "Oh, child. You've been through too much, recently. Whenever we finish making breakfast, you and the cat man in there be ready to eat." You smile and you say, "Thanks, Mariana." She smiles and says, "Anytime, child. Oh, I wish I had a daughter and she was like you." 

You get done making breakfast and you yell, "Babe! Get your ass in here and eat!" You smirk. You and Mariana look over and you see him coming into the kitchen. Mariana says, "Good. You're in here. Come eat. You don't, I'll smack you around. And don't think about trying to kill me. I know you're refraining for your woman here." 

He looks away and mumbles, "God, you sound like my mom, but less of a pile of shit." She says, "Hey. You're lucky I put you up and let you live in my house. (Y/N) I don't mind, but YOU have a reputation. You have a good woman here. You're lucky to have her. Treat her right... Nathan." He looks at her and says, "Hey. Nobody but her calls me Nathan." She says, "Just make your plate and eat, senor." 

You're holding back a laugh. Cat whines and says, "(Y/N). Come on... Don't make fun of me." You say, "S-sorry. It's just... so funny to see you being scolded by a middled-aged human woman." Mariana smirks. Even she thinks it's funny by what you said to him.

He pouts and walks in and mumbles, "You're lucky I'm sparing lives because of you, (Y/N)." He sits at the table and waits as you and Mariana both make three plates and you bring them to the table. You all sit down and you eat.


Later on that day, Mariana had gone out to the store or something to get more things. It's just you and Cat. You're both in the living room and the fire is going in the small fireplace. As you sit there you hear this, "(Y/N)."

You look over at Cat and you say, "Yes, Nathan?" He says, "There's been something on my mind for quite a few days. I need to let it out." You say, "What is it, Nathan?" He turns to face you and he stands up. You stand up and you face the tall demonic cat.

He looks down at you and he says, "You're the most beautiful thing in the world to me (Y/N). And I love you more than anything in this godforsaken world." You say, "Are you getting to something, Nathan?" He says, "Yes... I am." He grabs your hands and he kneels down. He looks right at you and he says, "(Y/N)... Will you marry me?"

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