Ch. 11: Bye Bye, Jack/Decision Made

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Later on that night, a certain older brother of the late Ronnie is driving down the road. He's driving out of Dover and he's on his way to the studio. He's filled with hate, anger and pain after having lost his younger brother at the wrath of Cartoon Cat aka Nathan Sterling. He's going there himself to confront the cat being.

Jack's radio is playing For What It's Worth by Buffalo Springfield. He says, "I'll get him. I'll get that goddamn cat myself if it's the last thing I do... This is all for you, Ronnie." Little does he realize, he's about to make the biggest mistake of his life once he gets into the studio to try and confront Cartoon Cat.

He gets there and he parks right outside the building. He gets out of the car and he gets to his back trunk. He opens it and he reaches in. He pulls out a shogun and he cocks it. He says, "Time for you to die, Cartoon Cat. You son of a bitch." 

He heads towards the doors and he kicks the door open. He's filled with a lot of anger at this point. He flips the switches on next to him. He walks in and he looks around saying, "Where are you, damn you?" He makes an angry hissing sound and he yells, "Where are you, you fucker?! Come out here and face me!!" 

He walks around to look for the tall cat. As he walks, something zooms past him at full speed and he stops. He growls and he grips the gun yelling, "That was you, wasn't it?! Come back here!" He runs that way. Shotgun in his hands. 

He gets to a big room and he looks around. He smirks and he chuckles. He angrily yet calmly says, "Here, kitty kitty. Come out and play.~" He grins and says, "I can be just as twisted as you. How would you like that, huh? You fucking deranged freak." 

A long arm suddenly comes down from the ceiling and it begins to coil around Jack's neck. Jack yelps and he hits the arm with the other end of his gun, but the long arm squeezes harder, making Jack struggle and drop the shotgun.

He gets lifted and he's making strangling sounds like, "Ack! Acckk." He suddenly looks ahead to see Cartoon Cat's face appear in front of him. That grin. The cat chuckles and says, "Big mistake, my friend. A gun won't work on me. That pretty little thing told you, herself." 

Jack tries to pry the arm off from around his neck and he says, "Y-you... stay away... f-from her." Cartoon Cat chuckles and says, "No... she is mine. Your little brother went... now you can, too. To be with him." 

He uncoils his arm from around Jack's neck and Jack drops on the floor. He gets himself up and he grabs his shotgun. He points it towards the deranged cat. But Cartoon Cat laughs and says, "You silly fool. You learn nothing, do you?" 

Cartoon Cat uses his arms to stretch out longer and he takes the gun. He breaks it in half. Jack sees the cat's eyes turn red and his teeth getting razor sharp and his eyes widen in horror. He says, "Oh fuck." 

He turns around to try and run out of there, but a hand grabs his foot and Jack falls forward. He gets dragged back and he says, "Oh god! Oh shit!" He looks back and he yells, "SHIIIIT!!" as he gets dragged faster and closer to the cat. Cartoon Cat suddenly extends claws from one hand and he starts to scratch up Jack, making Jack below him scream and yelp in pain.

Jack says, "O-oh god!! The pain!! Aaahh!! Fuck!!" He tries to get up, but Cartoon Cat stomps him down, stepping a foot on Jack's back, nearly breaking it and making Jack yelp in agony, "GAHH!!" Cartoon Cat slowly walks around the struggling man on the floor. Jack screams, "AAAHH!!" as he lays there in pain. Back nearly bent inwards.

Cartoon Cat looks down and he says, "Tsk tsk tsk tsk... You poor misguided man, you. You should be happy I'm doing this. I'm ending all of the suffering that the world will bring you. To end your pain... I'm killing you now." Jack whispers, "God, help me." Cartoon Cat finishes him off with a final blow, breaking his back more inwards and killing Jack instantly.

He slowly backs away and he chuckles. His eyes go back to their original color and his claws go back into his fingers. His fangs go back to being flat teeth. He sighs and says, "Ahh... Another successful kill yet again. But this is all different. This is all going to keep happening until (Y/N) (L/N) finally gives in to me. As my wife to be. I'll have you (Y/N). I'll keep murdering those around you until I do." He chuckles darkly and he walks off, leaving a dead and bloodied Jack laying there.


Meanwhile, you're upstairs in your room and since your parents wanted you to stay with them for a little while. You're thinking back from earlier when you looked through some files of the people that worked at Henderson Studios and their photos. 

You can't stop thinking about Nathan Sterling since you saw what he looked like as a human man. You knew it was wrong. You knew he was a deadly eldritch being now. A monster before that as well. But then again, you knew he had horrible parents and a sister who was favored over him. You think about something and you say, "I swear those files mentioned family members they grew up with." 

You get up and you say, "I'm gonna look over that again." You walk out of your room and you head down the hallway. You get downstairs and you go through the same hallway Walter's office is at. He's asleep at the moment and so are your parents, so you're going back in the office.

You get in there and you shut the door behind you. You walk in the dark. The moonlight shining through the window. You get to the desk and you turn the lamp on. You walk to the second file cabinet and you sit on your knees. You open the bottom drawer and you see the files yet again.

You pull Nathan's file out and you open it. You find the part where it mentions his parents and siblings. Father: Victor Andrew Sterling. Mother: Olivia (Johanson) Sterling. Sister: Babette Sterling. 

You say, "Babette? Do they mean Babs Briggs? That snooty bitch Caroline's mom?" You look at the file and you say, "If Babs is Nathan's sister, then I can see why he ended up a twisted monster later on. Babs is a major cunt and so is Caroline." 

You flip the page to where his picture is and you sigh. You say, "I shouldn't be in love with someone so messed up, but..." You sigh and you put your hand on the picture of Nathan saying, "I am." You look around and you look at the photo. You take it out of there and you close the file. You put the file back and you shut the drawer. 

You put the photo of Nathan up under your night shirt to hide it and you stand up. You walk out of there after turning the lamp off and you successfully sneak upstairs without being seen. You get back in your room and you shut your door. 

You get the photo out from in your night shirt and you look at Nathan's picture. You sigh and you smile. You whisper, "You're a twisted guy, Nathan... but you were so hot.~" You hold his picture close to yourself and you walk over to sit on your bed. You look at his picture and you say, "I guess I'm having no choice here." You look ahead and you say, "Looks like I'm gonna be giving in to him, after all." 

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