Ch. 7: Searching for Any Clues

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You get home and you get out of your car. You get to your front door and you head inside. You shut and you lock the door behind you. Linda's on the living room couch and she sees you saying, "Where the hell have you been, girlie?" You say, "The studio to get some proof. I took my camera with me and I've got photo evidence of what was in the basement." She says, "Show me." 

You walk over and you sit on the couch with her. You get your bag off your back and you unzip it. You pull out a few things. You get your camera and some of the photos you've snapped. You say, "Take a look at this, Linda." 

She takes the photos and sees the pictures of the pentagram and the Cartoon Cat doll. She says, "Holy shit. That's gotta be the same doll and pentagram your butler mentioned." You say, "He knows. Trust me. He used to work with Nathan Sterling. Cartoon Cat is Nathan Sterling, Linda. I know, now." She says, "Did you see him?" 

You nod and you say, "I was actually face to face with him." She looks at you and says, "Are you serious? You confronted him?" You say, "Yeah." She says, "You're still alive. Thank god, but wow. You came face to face with a murderous cat character." You say, "Who was once a psychotic man. I have no idea what he looked like then, but I'd assume young. Hopefully young if he was acting like a thirsty pervert over me." 

She says, "I mean... you are a pretty girl. If even some evil sadistic inhuman being lusts over you then nothing can resist your looks, girlie. Just saying. You're prettier than I am." You look away saying, "Oh, I am not." She says, "Sure you are." 

You sigh and you say, "My point is, he's after me now. He told me he'll stop at nothing until I give in." You kick the coffee table in front of you startling Linda and you yell, "Like fucking hell, I will!" You sit back. Linda says, "Should we go back there?" You say, "I don't think so." 

She says, "Oh come on. Please? We just need to see if we see him like you did. It can be the six of us again. Me, you, Ronnie, Hillary, Jack and Armand. At least you won't be alone." You sigh and you say, "Fine. But we're out of there if we see him." She says, "It's a deal." 

She smirks and says, "There might be a perfect room there for me and Ronnie to screw up a storm.~" You say, "Ugh. Of course." She grins and giggles saying, "I bet that cat character wants to do a lot more to YOU, girlie.~" You blush and you say, "Sh-shut up." She smirks and licks her lips. 

She leans in and whispers, "I bet he wants to make you cum so hard, you're moaning loud enough to wake the dead.~" You say, "Shush, Linda!" She laughs and sits back saying, "I'm only screwing with you!" She laughs a little bit more. 

You sigh. She says, "Alright, alright. I'll stop." You say, "Besides, I don't even know what the fuck he looked like as a human. He could've looked rough. Like a bum or something." She says, "Ugh. I agree with you. That is bad." You and Linda continue talking.


 A day passes. You and your friends are heading back to the studio now. You've got Linda, Ronnie, Armand, Jack and Hillary with you. Same people. You're driving yet again. Your radio is playing It's My Party by Lesley Gore. Ronnie says, "I never thought I'd say this, (Y/N)... but after seeing those photos, I believe you now." 

You say, "I didn't expect you to before, Ronnie. You have to have proof to show it. And I got pictures. The pentagram and the Cartoon Cat doll. The same doll Nathan used to cast that curse. He did it to himself. Now he's the Cartoon Cat monster." 

Jack says, "I've got a gun with me." You say, "Jack. A gun won't work. I tried my revolver that Walter loaned me and Nathan snatched it away." Jack says, "Damn." Armand says, "I don't think it's possible to kill a being whose been around and killing others for thirty goddamn years." Hillary shivers and says, "Now that you mentioned it." 

You say, "Just be on the lookout for him. He could appear anywhere. He is an eldritch being." Hillary says, "What's that? Eldritch?" You say, "It means he's a monstrous being. Something inhuman. Eerie. No normal cat is that tall and human like with that fucking grin. Or speaks. He's that psychotic Nathan Sterling guy my butler used to work with." 

Ronnie says, "Linda told me he's after you." You sigh and you say, "He is." Jack smirks and says, "Can you blame him, though? You are a hottie. Who wouldn't want a go at that tight snatch of yours?~" You say, "I'm about to pull over and smack the shit out of you, Jack. I don't give a fuck who drives by to see it happen." 

The others laugh. Even Ronnie laughs at his brother. Jack puts his hands up in defense and he grins and says, "Alright, alright. I'm just screwing with ya." Ronnie says, "Ha! You got told off by a chick." Jack says, "Shut your damn mouth, pipsqueak. You're lucky you're getting any tail, at all with you being a geek in the past." Ronnie says, "Fuck you, man. I'm nearly blind without my glasses." 

You get to the studio and you park right outside. You all get out of the car. You say, "Okay. Let's... explore. Just you know... be aware and be safe." Linda grabs Ronnie's hand and she leans in and whispers something to him. 

He smirks and says, "Alright. Where?" She says, "A good enough room.~" You say, "You know I'm fully aware, right?" They both look at you. You smirk. You say, "Okay. Come on." You all head inside.

As you get in there, you flip the switches and the lights come on. You all exchange glances and then you look around. Armand says, "Alright. Where is this cat bastard? Is he in this studio somewhere?" You say, "Trust me, Armand. He's definitely here."

Jack says, "Heh. So this cat guy tried to murder his old lady and sis back in the day?" You say, "His mom neglected him and his sister seemed to get away with everything he couldn't. That could be part of what he later became." Hillary says, "Are you sympathizing over that deranged cat?"

You say, "Not for what he's done. For what he went through." Hillary says, "Oh." Armand says, "Alright. We'll need to split in two. Linda and Ronnie go together." Ronnie and Linda grin and they hold hands. Linda snaps the top three buttons of her dress and Ronnie smirks and says, "Oh yeah.~" You sigh and you roll your eyes. 

Armand says, "Jack and Hillary." Jack and Hillary look at each other and they both smile. Hillary blushes. Armand says, "(Y/N), you come with me." You say, "Alright. Everyone start searching for any clues. We need to find out more about Cartoon Cat... or Nathan Sterling." 

You all split up into two and you explore more of the place. You're all unaware that Cartoon Cat is watching. He chuckles and says, "Let the game begin... I'll have you (Y/N). Even if it means murdering your friends if you resent me." He walks off.

(Note: You've watched the horror films and know the tropes. You could probably guess who dies first in those films among the friend group. Go ahead. Take a guess. XD)

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